Continuing symptoms/ side effects

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kathy s

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello all
Before diagnosis in May I was suffering some hair loss, more on the brush or coming out in the shower not noticeable to others, also very dry skin particularly legs and neck! I did assume it could be hormone related ( I'm on hrt). However reading up after diagnosis ir seemed it could be linked to the diabetes. I go for my 1st 3 month check in 2 weeks time but I do feel my sugars are more In control and fingers crossed for a lower reading. However the above problems persist! Has anyone had this, does it improve? I will be mentioning g it at my check
Have you had your thyroid levels checked? As you have already mentioned high blood sugar levels can also cause problems. You did need to speak to your GP though and get some bloods done.
I agree - hair loss is definitely a symptom of hypo-thyroidism, but in my case whilst it has saved me the money getting my lower legs waxed for decades it hasn't noticeably made much difference to my head hair and definitely not where else I used to have waxed, TMI. So do, please, ask to have a TSH test, at the very least, cos it's dead common to have this along with diabetes. (common enough blood test done from GP surgeries if not due to see hospital D clinic soon)
Hope you get get this checked @kathy s

If the hair loss is thyroid - related it should be treatable.

Do mention your other symptoms too!
I have my check up in a fortnight so I'll be asking then, thank you all
Another reason for hair loss can be polycystic ovarian syndrome which can be triggered by insulin resistance but see your on hrt now so may have other symptoms that are not being noticed due to the her and life stage, glad your going to mention at your check.
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