Contact with nurse

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How often are new pumpers having contact with their nurse? Since getting my pump a month ago I have spoken to her once on the phone and left two messages for a callback but heard nothing. I have no future appointment and am feeling this isn't quite right.

If it wasn't for all you lovely people here I would be feeling very alone.

What do other newbie pumpers think? :confused:
I have both my nurses emails & can get them within a few hours. They are good people 😉. Have phone numbers aswell. I also have medtronic peoples nos to. Both good service 😎
Write to your consultant and explain you are not happy. That way you should get a response.

Personally I have never seen a consultant or a nurse regarding my pump from day 1 of pumping. Which I am more than happy about.
I did it all myself from day 1, but that was my choice. My DSN was available via phone and email if required. You should have more support available to you.
When my son started pumping he was still with his old hospital team, and the nursing support was virtually non-existent. We were effectively on our own, learning from books and the internet. His new hospital team are much better - they answer the phone, and respond to emails the same day. We don't need them much now though! If you aren't happy with the support you are getting, vote with your feet 🙂
Well, apart from Hobie, I think I must be very lucky- since starting pumping on 13th November, I have seen pump nurse at least 6 times, plus normal dsn once, and I see pump dsn again tomorrow, on my way to work for another follow up.

I realise this wouldn't suit everyone, but I'm quite happy to go along to appointments as and when, and keep in close contact with dsn.
I am OK with not seeing my pump nurse, just surprised as both she and I had to sign a 'contract' agreeing to regular contact and appointments. I think I'm doing alright though - with you guys advising - but did expect my calls to be returned. I can email her as although she didn't give me her address, I know the format as I have work-related email contact with a couple of other hospital staff.
It seems each area is very different! 🙂
I can ring mine any time 24/7 that I need to. I do not ring her unless I am desperate i.e once in 6 weeks+. She rang me twice a day in the initial weeks, now it's once a week. I can however email and she will respond very quickly

In a lot of ways this is good, but in some ways not. I've been used to titrating my own dose and now I feel dependent on her. I need to wean myself off her advice and start thinking for myself again!
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