consultant's report

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Good afternoon Lads and Lassies,

I've just come back from my 6 months consultant's appointment and the good news is my HbA1c is down from 8.7 in February to 6.5 today !!!

The even better news is that I don't need to make another appointment to see him for a year, unless things deteriorate rapidly.

Rejoice with me please.

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Hi Faith....

CONGRATU-BLOODY-LATIONS....thats fantastic news...great reduction in HbA1c.....:D:D:D

Keep up the good work...xx

Good afternoon Lads and Lassies,

I've just come back from my 6 months consultant's appointment and the good news is my Hab1c is down from 8.7 in February to 6.5 today !!!

The even better news is that I don't need to make another appointment to see him for a year, unless things deteriorate rapidly.

Rejoice with me please.


Dear Faith,

What wonderful news, I'm so happy for you - keep up the good work.

Warmest Regards Dodger
Congratulations on your good work - and good news about no appointment until next year.
Good news indeed.

Well done!
Very good news, thats a great A1c. Are you still just on the oral meds? Do they still think you have type 1?
Well done. Hope mine goes so well, but I doubt it.
Very good news, thats a great A1c. Are you still just on the oral meds? Do they still think you have type 1?

Well the Consultant says I should call it LADA (Type 1.5) only there's no Type 1.5 related space on here for type identification so I'm living a lie at "type 1". (NORTHERNER - can you fix this please so I can be more truthful ?)😱

I am still on 3 slow release Metformin with my evening meal and 2 gliclazide (one a.m. and one p.m.) 1 Ramipril for blood pressure and 1 Simvastatin for cholestorel - both of which in my recent blood test were "perfect" according to The Man. Also the odd thyroid result which I was getting at diagnosis last October has disappeared completely which is reassuring to me.

He says it will slowly "slip" during the next year at which time I shall be put on insulin but for now it's meds and diet for me..... He's told me when to start being concerned about my levels and I even have his direct telephone number in case I am worried at any time. Nice man eh ?

I tried keeping to a low-carb diet for about 3 months and my levels were all in the early 5s but I haven't been able to stick to it all the time (hangs head in shame) so am now low to mid 6s each morning.

Thank you all for your encouragement and interest - you have been a great help to me.

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Thanks for the update Faith, have found your progress interesting and puzzling at times.
I'm sure you low carbing has helped keep your blood sugars down and given the meds maximum chance to work. I wonder if the first step would be a small dose of basal insulin when things do start to slip.
I hope you can get an A1c done in 6 months time even though you aren't having an appointment.

I too would like the 1.5 option as that would fit me better but Admin said no in the past :(
"I hope you can get an A1c done in 6 months time even though you aren't having an appointment."

Yes he's given me a form for 6 months and just before I see him in 12 months' time and I shall certainly keep to those blood tests if only to concentrate my mind !

Kind regards, Faith
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