Constipation and tear!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, sorry about this post, but I am sure I am not the only one going through this and I never have to look any of you in the face after telling you!!!

I have been suffering for over a week with severe constipation and have a tear also which is agony. I have been taking 3 dulcolax tablets a day and using haemorrhoid cream and suppositories but it still really hurts. So today I did some reading on the net and it talks about diet. I have learnt that coffee makes it worse - so I am now drinking hot water with fresh lemon instead. I am also trying to drink loads of water. I am making celery soup for lunch as i thought a liquidy diet may be better. If anyone has any advice, PLEASE I would welcome it.

If you would prefer to pm please do so! 😱:(
Do you eat plenty of fibre? It's found in fresh fruit and vege in in whole meal and whole grain products.

As you have been taking over the counter meds for a few days and nothing ha moved, I would suggest you go see the doctor or talk to the pharmacist. They will be able to advise you on something that may work better for you.

While I am here, I will move this to the gemeral message board where you are likely to get more response.
Ouch, I feel for you. As regards the tear, OH had the same and got a fantastic cream from doc which healed it up very speedily, I don't suppose you really want to go to docs but if it's gone on this long, maybe a good idea. I find (and this is bizarre) a couple of certain types of Thornton's chocs help with constipation, the ones that contain sorbitol as a humectant. I don't suppose Thornton's would be overjoyed to know that's my advice but I thought it might make you laugh!
Well i think I do! I eat porridge most days for breakfast but had an ommelette today. I tend to have burgen bread with chicken, and I have been eating lots of prawns jacket potato and salad, or trout and salad, or chilli con carne. I eat grapes, banana, pear and have been having natural yogurt with blueberries every day - I am open to suggestion though.

I think the initial problem was caused due to taking codamol.
Well i think I do! I eat porridge most days for breakfast but had an ommelette today. I tend to have burgen bread with chicken, and I have been eating lots of prawns jacket potato and salad, or trout and salad, or chilli con carne. I eat grapes, banana, pear and have been having natural yogurt with blueberries every day - I am open to suggestion though.

I think the initial problem was caused due to taking codamol.

You seem to have sufficient fibre in your diet lucy, are you drinking plenty of fluids as well? dehydration can also cause constipation and a increase in your fluid intake may be all it needs to get things moving again.
I think the initial problem was caused due to taking codamol.

I think you've probably hit the nail on the head there Lucy - I have had the worst constipation in the past with co-codamol. When I did finally 'go' it would have substituted for anthracite! (sorry tmi!). Sometimes a change in diet can also cause it. My friend got me something called 'Lactulose' from Boots which did the trick for me. 🙂
Is lactulose non prescription Alan? Does it taste okay? If so I will pop and get some later. I can't understand why the dulcolax isn't working though - I would have expected the same effect from that. I just hope the tear heals soon - its agony and sort of giving me a headache too - which doesn;t make sense I know. I have the gym today, but think I will stay off anything that involves sitting!
Sorry to hear your troubles, theres nothing worse!

the only thing i would say re lactulose, if i remember correctly is it is high in glucose. this is from my nursing days, please feel free someone of a pharmaceutical nature to correct me.

But if it works i dont suppose that will be your priority! Its not prescription, i have bought it in the past over the counter, its as well as laxatives and not instead of too.
sorry to hear about your problem lucy hope it clears up soon, my dad suffers with it badly and is always on senekot he even said the other day he is addicted i know the pain he goes through so i sympathise hun xx take care.
Sorry to hear your troubles, theres nothing worse!

the only thing i would say re lactulose, if i remember correctly is it is high in glucose. this is from my nursing days, please feel free someone of a pharmaceutical nature to correct me.

But if it works i dont suppose that will be your priority! Its not prescription, i have bought it in the past over the counter, its as well as laxatives and not instead of too.

That never occured to me Tracey - I used before I was diagnosed, thanks for pointing it out. Probably equivalent to a sugar lump per spoonful, I expect, so not great but worth it if it works.

edit: the bottle says 3-6 spoonfuls per day, or 9 in 'obstinate' cases. Doesn't give carb/100ml unfirtunately, but is composed of lactulose and galactose so pretty carby! 😱
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Thanks all, I know I shouldn't say this but relief rules over bs levels at the moment. Had two cups of fresh lemon and water and a pear, and 2 satsumas so far. Also had the celery soup which was delicious. Am just off to fill my water bottle to make sure I keep drinking plenty too. The advice is all good and very appreciated.
Yes i do remember lactulose tasting very sweet.

I think it "oils the wheels" as it where rather than "get things moving" sorry to be technical :D
Hi all, sorry about this post, but I am sure I am not the only one going through this and I never have to look any of you in the face after telling you!!!

I have been suffering for over a week with severe constipation and have a tear also which is agony. I have been taking 3 dulcolax tablets a day and using haemorrhoid cream and suppositories but it still really hurts. So today I did some reading on the net and it talks about diet. I have learnt that coffee makes it worse - so I am now drinking hot water with fresh lemon instead. I am also trying to drink loads of water. I am making celery soup for lunch as i thought a liquidy diet may be better. If anyone has any advice, PLEASE I would welcome it.

If you would prefer to pm please do so! 😱:(

Oh Lucy you poor thing, it must be very painful. I have never suffered from constipation, but fruit, vegatables and bran are supposed to be good, especially prunes! Hope you feel better soon. Sheena
Good gentle product that was recommended to my Mum was called Movicol
Your GP would be able to prescribe a steroid cream which will help with the tear. Hope things improve soon!
Lactulose is availible over the counter, and the -ose bit on the end does indicate that it's a sugar based substance. On the other hand, i don't think we've ever not given lactulose to a diabetic patient and my granddad has been taking it (sporadically, too sporadically) for years, and he's diabetic. Now for a brief lecture on laxatives (never thought i'd be typing THIS that's for sure..).
Sorry, this might not be the best of reading for those of a nervous disposistion or whom may be eatting dinner.
Bulk forming laxatives: Basically are sorts of fiber-y powders you can take if the reason you can't go is that you're passing little tiny rabbit's poo type stuff. You can buy one of these (if not more) called Ispaghula husk or Fybogel.
Stimulant laxatives: These make the movements in your bowels happen faster and stronger. Ducolax is one of these (sodium picosulphate), but there's also docusol (docusate sodium) and the old favourite senna.
Osmotic laxatives increase the ammount of water in your intestines and Lactulose is one of these. If you can still get Milpar over the counter this is similar.

Have you tried Anusol for the tear? It basically shrinks the skin causing the tear to close up, and it should have a mild analgesic in there too. If you need another cream/ topical treatment you could ask your doctor about Glyceryl Trinitrate/ Rectogesic cream. otherwise i's say you were doing all the right things, drinks lots of water and eat lots of fruit and veg. I had an unpleasent constipation week earlier in the year and found it responded well to all bran. Try to keep the area of the tear clean, if possible, maybe some of those moistened toilet tissues might help.

Hope you feel better soon

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