Constantly Ill

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I used to be someone that didn’t get ill very much, didn’t catch the colds going round the office, never been in hospital, etc. But, as you may have picked up from the waking thread I’ve been constantly unwell all year. First a heavy cold/flu, then a postviral illness meant 2 months of sick note, gastroenteritis landed me in hospital overnight, then Covid was just over a week off work / 2 weeks of testing positive. Now, only a few days after getting the first negative test after Covid I have a cold so heavy that I have been in bed recovering by early evening the last couple of days. Also did another Covid test as it felt like the start of that but negative.

Through all of this I’ve obviously been struggling to manage BGs. Is this constant illness a result of high bgs? Or my immune system being rubbish because of two years of Covid restrictions?

Any tips on becoming more fit and healthy appreciated. So far I’m trying a daily multivitamin, going to try improving diet (haven’t had the energy to cook much this year). I would try getting more fresh air / exercise if I can reach a spell of feeling well enough, but right now I feel I just need more rest as don’t have the energy for much.
Like you Lucy, I’ve had a terrible year health wise, ( for me). Although I don’t have a spleen, and haven’t for 14 years, I very rarely got ill. I’ve had two chest infections this year, cough, colds, sinus trouble and just generally have felt weak, wobbly and out of sorts. I really believe it is definitely a result of two years of isolating. My first cold, came after doing some volunteering, first time with a lot of people for hours on end. That took seven weeks to get over. Less than a month later I had jury service, sitting with 11 strangers in a small room for a week set off my next cold/ cough/ chest infection. I’m still coughing, albeit just a little bit, but only just starting to feel a bit more human, ie able to go walking and not feeling tired all day. It really does get you down, at one stage about three weeks ago Mr Eggy was getting worried I was getting depressed with it all. I probably was to be honest, I thought I was never going to feel normal again. Of course I know now I will but it is rubbish. Fingers crossed, the better weather and the longer days will have you sorted out very soon. Take care.
Yes it does wear you down. I have a holiday in 2 weeks (delayed from having Covid). Only a uk caravan holiday but still, want to feel well for it. Now considering maybe the only way to feel well for it is to avoid other people for the couple of weeks before it. But if all this is a result of isolating for years then that’s not really a long term strategy!
Hi @Lucyr sorry to read that you are feeling so rubbish.

My main tip would be to just get outside. If you can manage a short walk great, but if not just being outside, especially in these sunny snaps, will feel good. We have got out of our habit of doing something for 15 min after each meal, but this better weather has motivated us again.

I hope that you can start to feel bettersoon.
Of course I know now I will but it is rubbish. Fingers crossed, the better weather and the longer days will have you sorted out very soon. Take care
I hope that you are on the mend @eggyg and that the sunshine helps you too.
Yes it does wear you down. I have a holiday in 2 weeks (delayed from having Covid). Only a uk caravan holiday but still, want to feel well for it. Now considering maybe the only way to feel well for it is to avoid other people for the couple of weeks before it. But if all this is a result of isolating for years then that’s not really a long term strategy!
We’re the same, going on holiday 29th. Supposedly a walking holiday in Scotland, don’t think any hills will be getting walked up. But I’m hoping a change of scenery will do me good more than anything. Hopefully you too. Even we just have a drive and a short walk, it should do us both good.
Let’s hope our immune systems buck up, as Sue says, the better weather should help.
I find that having diabetes doesn’t help and makes climbing out of the run-down pit that much harder. I don’t think there’s a magic answer, but I do agree with the fresh air suggestion above. I also find Vitamin D helps.

Hope you feel better soon @Lucyr Feeling ill is relentlessly exhausting.
It just isn't healthy not to meet germs! - that's why so many of us have been and still are, getting all sorts of rubbish that's never bothered us at all in the past. Can only hope that having infections now, will reinstall some immunity. If they don't kill us in the process.
It just isn't healthy not to meet germs! - that's why so many of us have been and still are, getting all sorts of rubbish that's never bothered us at all in the past. Can only hope that having infections now, will reinstall some immunity. If they don't kill us in the process.
My body does fight off all these things eventually, so I guess at some point I’ll hopefully have caught everything and become immune to it all again!

Sitting in the garden with plenty of drinks, plenty of insulin corrections, and a bit of sun, today.
Thanks Sue. I’m literally having to force myself to go for a walk but I do feel better for it when I do.
Had to force myself to walk as far as the wardrobe to get dressed this morning so we’ll done on getting out for a walk. Hopefully you’ll be feeling better soon, and refreshed from the walks not just exhausted!
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