Constant low blood sugars and hypos

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was just wondering if anyone could help, for the last month or so ive been having really low bloood sugars constantly, no matter hat i eat or how much. Its gotten to the point where ive redcuced my long acting insulin by 2 units and basically stopped taking any short acting. Its starting to become a worry cause im dropping to levels of 1.8! and knocks me sick. Has anyone had the same sort of thing or no what mite be causing it.

Thanks Scott.
Wow that is low. I am having a similar problem at the moment, but that is because I am pregnant - I don't think that is the reason for you 🙂

Have there been any changes to your lifestyle - e.g, are you doing more exercise, different other medications?

I would contact you DSN/GP about it, as it may be that you are losing you hypo awareness.
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Can't offer much advice, but for the last month it has been pretty cold. I have heard of people having lots of hypos when it is cold, so it may be worth making sure you are warm enough too.

may also be chatting to GP or DSN to see what they advise.
Hi Scotty,
Not sure how long you have been diagnosed, could it be a honeymoon phase? I've suffered problems like this in the past, what i did for a while was ate alot more cards to try and bring my blood up. How long are you not taking sort acting insulin for? Cause you reallly shouldn't not take it and if you were not taken it your blood should rise. I'd maybe call the clinic if it doesn't pass. Sorry not much help. Good luck x x x🙂
I think you need to get onto the DSN/consultant ASAP. How much long acting insulin are you taking? If you have not really been taking the fast acting and still having lows then you need to cut both doses down. Your DSN will tell you by how much.
Could be the cold weather? High temperatures reduce the effectiveness of insulin, so I guess low temps could increase it. I've been having some lows and it only occurred to me yesterday that that could be the reason...
Alex's insulin needs have reduced by about 30% since the cold weather - i would imagine this is the same for you too. Perhaps you would be better to drop the long acting a little bit more - but then make sure you have a bolus with your food. If your needs change much more i would contact your DSN as there could be another reason for it.🙂Bev
Hi Scotty,

I had a period, about a week where I took no short acting insulin, although maintained my background at the same, this was due to being highly active, and probably some random factor too, I felt really concerned the whole time until I spoke to my nursey, she said yes it was strange but not unheard of. Also when I went away to morocco for a long weekend/short week I didn't take any insulin, hot weather really main reason, and honeymoon possibly. But in all honesty no idea!!

Be good to hear if you have changed anything recently in terms of work lifestyle...


i hate when u get hypo after hypo after hypo in the one day

its a pain grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Hi Scotty, I went through something similar last April when I had to start reducing my insulin practically every day - no matter how much I reduced it I was still getting hypos. Eventually, I reduced my slow acting from 20 units to 6 and my fast acting form around 45 units a day to about 25-30. Things seemed to settle then, but lately, with the onset of cold weather, I have been needing less novorapid - maybe a further 15% reduction. It sounds as though perhaps you have recovered some beta cell function and are producing some insulin again - this is not uncommon as you recover from how you were at diagnosis.

Do speak to your DSN and discuss the best way to reduce your insulin. As sofaraway says, if you are still hypoing despite not taking fast-acting, you probably need to reduce your slow acting further.

Let us know how things go!
Thanks for the feedback everyone🙂
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