Hello everyone! I just posted this but I thought nobody would click on it because it said "citalopram" and I would really like some advice. I have had type 1 diabetes for just over 2 years now and have recently started taking "20mg citalopram" I'm not sure if the two are connected however, recently I CANT stop hypoing. It's becoming such a problem last week my bloods began at 3.6 and I drank my normal of orange juice to cure it and ten mins later I dropped to 2.5 then drank even more and continued to drop all the way to 1.0 (by this point I had drank an entire litre of orange juice) No matter how much insulin I take with a meal it results in a hypo. I have halved my Lantus and because of this ive started taking in the morning in the hope that it will help. For instance: last night I went to sleep with bloods of 11.8 (I've started trying to go to sleep with higher bloods as I'm scared they'll come down in my sleep) and I woke up like an hour later at 3.9 just going into a hypo. Then tonight I ate a BIG meal: cheesy pasta, loads of chips, a full tin of beans and had some granola and yogurt for desert (please don't judge my food habits) and only injected 6 units which is half of what I usually would. Soon after I was at 3.1 (R.I.P) and this happens EVERYDAY sometimes as I've said my bloods go down to as low as 1 and one time even read "LO". If anyone has any advice or if it could be because of the citalopram let me know as I'm FREAKIN bahahah.