Conscious Bias

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Recently I met the Daughter of a friend in a social setting and we got chatting. She noticed that I had a Libra sensor on my arm and asked me if I was type 2, the same as her Mum. I replied yes but before I could correct her that Her Mum is type 1 she went on to say that her Mum was grateful that she wasn't like the other type as they were all fat lazy people who ate junk food and didn't know how to look after themselves and control their sugar levels. I was stunned into silence.

What I probably should tell you at this point is that her Mum is a Diabetes specialist nurse.

I was hurt to know that the specialists who are supposed to support us and help us thought that way about me and my type of Diabetes. I have often felt like nothing I do is right and when having meetings with Doctors and Nurses they make me feel like this is my own doing Not that my pancreas isn't working properly. How can we win when the Specialists are sending out this message to the General Public.

Type 2 diabetics are not fat lazy people who eat junk food. I'm fit get regular exercise and eat very well.
Unfortunately, this incorrect stereo type is common, especially because of the media and in some cases, the lack of knowledge on the part of a healthcare professional.
All you can really do is correct your friend’s knowledge if you want to
Hmm, I wonder which is the worst 'sin', then - being fat or being lazy?

If the latter, then there are a lot of 'un-fat' folk who are dead lazy!!!!
Will you say anything to this “friend”? (Whom I assume knows you are type 2). I most definitely would be

I’m desperately hoping this is the daughter’s spin on us fat and lazy idiots not her mother‘s because otherwise I’m not hurt I’m horrified and angry. As you say what an ignorant and unprofessional stance to have.
To be fair, dsn often make t1s feel like they can do nothing right.
But, yes, its a lousy attitude to have. Diabetes is enough to cope with without the shaming
To be fair, dsn often make t1s feel like they can do nothing right.
But, yes, its a lousy attitude to have. Diabetes is enough to cope with without the shaming
To be fair, SOME DSNs often make people with Type 1 feel they can do nothing right.
My DSN is brilliant and there are similar stories on this forum and others. These guys do an amazing job and should be celebrated.
However, I agree anyone, especially someone with a medical role, causing others to feel shame for having a serious medical condition is disgusting. I am sad when I read that whether it is the story from the OP or any experience you have had.
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True. My current team are good.
Recently I met the Daughter of a friend in a social setting and we got chatting. She noticed that I had a Libra sensor on my arm and asked me if I was type 2, the same as her Mum. I replied yes but before I could correct her that Her Mum is type 1 she went on to say that her Mum was grateful that she wasn't like the other type as they were all fat lazy people who ate junk food and didn't know how to look after themselves and control their sugar levels. I was stunned into silence.

What I probably should tell you at this point is that her Mum is a Diabetes specialist nurse.

I was hurt to know that the specialists who are supposed to support us and help us thought that way about me and my type of Diabetes. I have often felt like nothing I do is right and when having meetings with Doctors and Nurses they make me feel like this is my own doing Not that my pancreas isn't working properly. How can we win when the Specialists are sending out this message to the General Public.

Type 2 diabetics are not fat lazy people who eat junk food. I'm fit get regular exercise and eat very well.

I am involved with a specialist centre for research, with diabetes one of their specialisms.
I am not typically any sort of diabetic. I don't fit any of the stereotypical boxes. I am a small, slight person who has always been active and eaten well (in the NHS accepted way), but still developed T2.

I have heard some of the most outrageous utterings from people who should know better - especially as some of them state they are looking to improve the lives of those living with diabetes.

The very harsh reality is our systems for diabetes care are two tiered, with those living with T2 somewhere near subterranian. It is so, SO important we look after ourselves, because, by-and-large- what the NHS will give us is not fit for purpose.

Just edited to add that I have zero wish to be T1, nor would I wish T1 on ANYONE. It is a harsh task mistress, but T2 can be too, just very differently. That one ticks one box rather than another should impact the specifics of the of care one receives, but not the quality of it, or the empathetic (or lack of it) delivery of it.
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I was hurt to know that the specialists who are supposed to support us and help us thought that way about me and my type of Diabetes. I have often felt like nothing I do is right and when having meetings with Doctors and Nurses they make me feel like this is my own doing Not that my pancreas isn't working properly. How can we win when the Specialists are sending out this message to the General Public.
Do you actually know that the parent discusses her work or even diabetes with her daughter?
Recently I met the Daughter of a friend in a social setting and we got chatting. She noticed that I had a Libra sensor on my arm and asked me if I was type 2, the same as her Mum. I replied yes but before I could correct her that Her Mum is type 1 she went on to say that her Mum was grateful that she wasn't like the other type as they were all fat lazy people who ate junk food and didn't know how to look after themselves and control their sugar levels. I was stunned into silence.

What I probably should tell you at this point is that her Mum is a Diabetes specialist nurse.

I was hurt to know that the specialists who are supposed to support us and help us thought that way about me and my type of Diabetes. I have often felt like nothing I do is right and when having meetings with Doctors and Nurses they make me feel like this is my own doing Not that my pancreas isn't working properly. How can we win when the Specialists are sending out this message to the General Public.

Type 2 diabetics are not fat lazy people who eat junk food. I'm fit get regular exercise and eat very well.
We don't actually know that the daughter's statement was what the mother had said or thought.
We don't actually know that the daughter's statement was what the mother had said or thought.
as I said I hope it’s the daughters opinion misrepresenting the mothers/dsn, but the op does say the following which does indeed sound like the attitude comes from the mother
she went on to say that her Mum was grateful that she wasn't like the other type……
This friends daughter sounds like a nasty piece of work who was trying to upset & hurt your feelings, move on from it & just avoid her in future.
and this negative attitude is why I haven't told anyone but my OH and son that I am now T2. I am ashamed of it.
Recently I met the Daughter of a friend in a social setting and we got chatting. She noticed that I had a Libra sensor on my arm and asked me if I was type 2, the same as her Mum. I replied yes but before I could correct her that Her Mum is type 1 she went on to say that her Mum was grateful that she wasn't like the other type as they were all fat lazy people who ate junk food and didn't know how to look after themselves and control their sugar levels. I was stunned into silence.

What I probably should tell you at this point is that her Mum is a Diabetes specialist nurse.

I was hurt to know that the specialists who are supposed to support us and help us thought that way about me and my type of Diabetes. I have often felt like nothing I do is right and when having meetings with Doctors and Nurses they make me feel like this is my own doing Not that my pancreas isn't working properly. How can we win when the Specialists are sending out this message to the General Public.

Type 2 diabetics are not fat lazy people who eat junk food. I'm fit get regular exercise and eat very well.
Hi there. One version of T2, associated with the late (?) Jenny Ruhl, says you don't get T2 because you're fat but you get fat because you've got T2 diabetes or at least Insulin Resistance and fat deposition feeding off each other in a vicious circle. There might be something in it since T2s are said to be battling with it for 5 to 10 years before formal diagnosis.
Do you actually know that the parent discusses her work or even diabetes with her daughter?
Good point. The words didn't come out of the mother's mouth. (oops, looks like lots of other people beat me to it!)
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