confuzzled, muchly!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

I have posted about this before, so first I will appologize for doing so again, but I didn't want to have to search back a few pages to find the original post, anyhow.

Since my infection and stay in Hospital at the end of last month, I have been having "very" crazy blood glucose readings, mostly when I've been at work. They have been around 5-8 first thing in the mornings, which is far better than they were before, but then (with out eating as I leave the house at 06:10 each morning for work) before I have my breakfast at half nine (at work) they have risen considerably, usually to around 12 or higher!!! Then I eat, having my Novorapid (12 units) before carrying on working (in a shop) I have managed to do the 2hr checks over the last 3 weeks which have shown that after 2 hrs my Glucose to be just under 10 (almost without fail) so I continue working but within half an hour I am seriously low (has gone down to 1.2 mmol/l) and this is without having to do any correction doses.
On Friday I shall be contacting my DSN about this and one thing that scared me some what, I shall describe that to you and see what you guys (and gals) think.

On Sunday I had my normal shift at work (07:00 - 13:00) but couldn't find myinsulin pen before I went out, so kept to a very low carb breakfast and also kept active whilst working. Managed to find my "spare*" insulin pen before going out to help at our local scout district's JOTA activities (I am a licsensed Radio Amateur) where after having a BG reading of 20.9 I did a correction dose of just 4 units Novorapid (as previously advised by my DSN to do) this was at about 15:30 by 17:00 my BG had fallen to just 3.6 😱 which was somewhat scary but was able to have some chocolate kindly given to me by a friend who has type 2 D, this seemed to have corrected my BG but only an hour and a half latter, whilst I was actually eating my dinner, I started feeling very peculiar so performed a BG test, it was 2.2 mmol/l 😱 and falling (half hour later it was below 2) so I had some more chocolate (half an aero Block from my dad) which very slowly increased my BG so that by 21:00 my BG was 8.9 a point at which I felt I could go to bed safely and still have my levemir.

This is the first time that anything like that has happened and it got me worried, I even had the hypo headache the next day! I have gone beyond my own limit once before (In June whilst on Holiday) and passed out (whilst eating a choccy biscuit :D) but recovered quickly enough, but this was really crazy, almost like I had really overdosed on my Insulin even though I had only had at most 20 units!

Asmy thread Title says, I am muchly Confuzzled 😱
Speculation, really, but I'd guess that the correction dose of 4 units would be OK if just sitting around, but a combination of correction dose plus activity at Scout event might mean than a lower correction dose would be more appropriate. I'm guessing, but having seen some the heavy kit carried up hills by radio volunteers at mountain marathons, it can be quite physically demanding, although equally, can involve sitting in a vehicle.

A couple of practical suggestions -
- have something quicker acting than chocolate to hand eg jelly sweets, which also have the advantage of not melting in pockets, plus some longer acting carbohydrate to follow up eg bread, biscuits, oatcakes, muesli bars etc
- have pens easier to find - I keep one short acting pen in kitchen, plus long acting in bedroom, plus a pencil case containing short acting cartridge in pen, plus spare short acting and long acting cartridge, in case I'm delayed somewhere.
There could be many resons for all these readings..............

Rising morning sugars without any food can be down to the liver, or a background insulin running out, depending on how many times its taken and when.........

You may also be a bit more sensitive to the insulin if you have been a bit mor active of late, this means testing to find out what ratio of carbs:insulin your at........

A background test may be needed also and probably before the bolus doses, this means you can see if infact its this dose causing or contributing to the problems, then its simply changing that dose as opposed to all you meal time doses.....
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