Confussed about carbs and things.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have read loads of post since joining with interest. The main ones been no/low carbs. When i was diagnosed many moons ago you were encouraged to eat cards with every meal, bread, potatoes rice etc. If i don't eat carbs or only have say one small potato i will always hypo, even if reduced insulin. How do other type 1's manage this. I asked my diabetic doctor about it and explained what I did and asked how i could cut down carbs and he said not to as i had good control the way i was. Sorry I just don't get it. :confused: x
You are definately not the only one!! I think it basically comes down to personal choice and what works for you. Some people swear by no carbs and others think its the worst thing you could do!

I dont consider myself low carb but i wont pig out on pasta like i used to because i know ill go through the roof. But if i have none i hypo all the time.

Lots of people will give you lots of advice and opinions but the best way, as with everything else(!) is see what works for you.

This subject seems set to divide diabetics and diabetic health professionals for a while yet! 🙂
viki hit the nail on the head smit, you will be givin all diffirent sides on this subject but what works for you and is right for you is the main thing at the end of the day.Myself i dont have an opinion either way as i dont do it
Thanks guys. I just find it so hard. Ive been diabetic 25 years and things change. Really change and if your managing ok than no one suggests changing to the updated stuff, if you catch my drift. I always eat carbs with my meals. Cereal in the morning, snack mid morning a biscuit, fruit or crisps, whatever takes my fancy. Two rolls at lunch and some soup and my dinner, normally meat, potatos and veg or pasta stuff. I think it works ok for me. Thanks for your advice. It's just funny to see how everyone manages their diabetes and so many different ways. But i think your right you need to do whats best for you. Think carbs work for me. I had stir fry tonight with noodles and always go low about 9ish when i have this. x
your right smit we all handle and look after our diabetes in diffirent ways what dont work for onc of us works for another and vice versa, i guess the old saying goes if it aint broke dont fix it.
Hi Smit, don't feel that you need to reduce carbs in your diet if this is what you enjoy and if your control is good on them. I think that the 'no/low carbers' tend to be more vocal as they are arguing against the normal advice given out by most dieticians and places like Diabetes UK. For some people, reducing carbs is the only way that they can prevent their levels going high, or it may be that they are hoping to reduce or stay off medication for as long as they can. This isn't an option for Type 1s on insulin, although their insulin requirements will be smaller if fewer carbs are consumed.

I think I would reduce carbs if it was the only way to keep potential complications at bay, but as my control is good with eating carbs I don't feel it neccessary to commit to the significant lifestyle change it would mean.
Hi Smit.

I think the low carb approach is mainly taken up by type 2 diabetics because some can avoid insulin alltogther or reduce meds by cutting down on carbs and doing more exercise.

A type 1 on insulin should be able to eat whatever they want by covering it by insulin - carb counting! but some type 1s choose to reduce carbs aswell if their levels shoot up too easily after eating them.

Basically you should eat whatever you want, but keep in mind that you need to try and stay healthy! everything in moderation.
I have read loads of post since joining with interest. The main ones been no/low carbs. When i was diagnosed many moons ago you were encouraged to eat cards with every meal, bread, potatoes rice etc. If i don't eat carbs or only have say one small potato i will always hypo, even if reduced insulin. How do other type 1's manage this. I asked my diabetic doctor about it and explained what I did and asked how i could cut down carbs and he said not to as i had good control the way i was. Sorry I just don't get it. :confused: x

Hi Smit , I'm a Low Carber 🙂 , This diet works for me which is why I do it , I have much better levels , less Insulin , more energy and have lost weight.
If you have good control on a Carb filled diet then as long as you have a varied healthy diet with the odd treat then I don't see why you would feel the need to change much. I am a Type 1 and find Low Carbing extremely easy , If you eat less Carbs you inject less Insulin so shouldn't Hypo unless your ratio is wrong , you inject too much or you do any extra activity that you haven't taken in to account , pretty much the same reasons any Type 1 would hypo anyway regardless of diet.
By the way even newly diagnosed diagnosed Diabetics are encouraged to fill up on Carbs for every meal including snacks and supper 😱 Not something I choose to do through personal choice.
I have read loads of post since joining with interest. The main ones been no/low carbs. When i was diagnosed many moons ago you were encouraged to eat cards with every meal, bread, potatoes rice etc. If i don't eat carbs or only have say one small potato i will always hypo, even if reduced insulin. How do other type 1's manage this. I asked my diabetic doctor about it and explained what I did and asked how i could cut down carbs and he said not to as i had good control the way i was. Sorry I just don't get it. :confused: x

Hi Smit

I agree with the others, your diabetes is your diabetes and what works for you won't work for someone else. If what you are doing is ok and your levels are ok and your HbA1c is ok and you are happy then don't change a thing. No need to. 🙂
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