Confusing Symptoms

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm writing this on behalf of my mother who is in her 80's and has been a T2 diabetic for 40 years or so. Just recently she's really started to have big problems with symptoms similar to Hypo's even though her sugar reading is never below 10 on her testing machine. When she has an attack, she becomes weak, shaky, confused, and faint and her arms are lifeless. She is under the doctor, but they can't seem to get the treatment right. She was on Metformin and Gliclizide, but they took her off both because she's not eating as well as she used to. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, her appetite has decreased significantly, and eating at the moment is a bit of a trial. She can eat soup and bananas and the odd sweet, treat but anything major is difficult. To help with this she's now on Citalopram and Metformin has been re-introduced. This ongoing problemm (now 6 months ish) has meant numerous calls to the doctor, 111 and 999. When she goes to the hospital, during one of these attacks, they do the usual tests and send her home. If she rings 111 they advise her to eat a spoonful of jam, and usually after a period of time the symtoms go away. Being diabetic myself, I too have similar symptoms to these 'lows' but with me it's only rarely and if my sugar is around 4. With my mum, it's more a case if she hasn't eaten for a couple of hours, although her sugar reading is never below 10! This problem is really getting her down now and we were wondering if anyone here had a similar problem, or could offer a diagnosis, as the medical fraternity seem to be struggling!
If she rings 111 they advise her to eat a spoonful of jam, and usually after a period of time the symtoms go away.
It sounds to me as if your Mum's blood sugar is high all the time and when it drops to 10 which is still far to high she is having what is called a false hypo. Which basically means her body is screaming hypo feed me because it thinks it hasn't enough fuel to keep going.

So you or your mum need to work out what is going on with blood sugar levels and demand (not ask) a referral to see a hospital DSN to sort out a proper routine/meds for your mum. Do not let them fob you or your mum off due to her young 80 years.
It could be that if what she is eating is quite carby then her body is producing too much insulin which then makes her blood glucose fall quickly giving her the hypo symptoms. Can she eat things with more protein and healthy fats, maybe scrambled eggs or fish or cauliflower cheese. Maybe greek yoghurt and berries or sugarfree jelly and cream, or high protein deserts like the Kvarg ones.
It must be very scary for her when this happens.
As she has been diabetic for so long and presumably this is something new then it does need further investigation to get it sorted out. I hope her G P will be helpful and refer her asap.
Hi Sue, That's very interesting. I've never heard of that. I would say 'False Hypo' is pretty much what she's suffering with. Unfortunately, her health has suffered a lot due to neglect over the pandemic and it's taking its toll. I will try to pursue this theory with the doctor asap, thank you.
Avocado is a lot better choice than a banana, as hammering the carbs is not going to help a type 2 - maybe make some sugar free jellies - a couple of spoonfulls of frozen berries in a cup or bowl, pour on the cooling jelly and leave them in the fridge - eaten with cream they make a good dessert.
Dishes such as cauliflower cheese, or bubble and squeak made with swede instead of potato are easy to eat - what used to be called 'spoonfoods'.
A recommendation I took up was the book sold on this site which gives photos of foods in groups. Carbs and Calorie counter . It gives the carbs , calories and other nutrition.
I enjoy a bread called Liv Life only 3.6 carb per slice.
I enjoy are a few tablespoons of Alpro No sugar tub. with some defrosted frozen berries.
Hartleys no sugar jelly with the Alpro no sugar. Various flavours of jelly to ring the changes. And a little ANCHOR squeezy cream
Check out Heck Sausages - several types 95% or more protein Waitrose and Morrisons , maybe other
I cook a chicken whole. Use the legs for a meal for 2 . Cool the rest and pop it low in the fridge to use for cold meats with veg. BUT an 80 yr might have to be careful of storing chicken properly

Im having to try to put on weight. I asked my local phharmacist for a food supplement (in little bottles) suitable for a diabetic low in sugar/carbs content. Maybe you could do the same. I ate them as well as a meal. Very nice.
But i agree she should be having help with this fron a diabetic dept or a dietician or a diabetic nurse. Good Luck
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