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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, I'm jumping ahead a bit with my lovely little Florence and trying to work out how to do the advanced technical stuff, like dual waves etc...because you know me, I like my pasta!


my big book is confusing me and I can't work out what it means in the programming section...for multiwave boluses etc...I just want to play and see if i can do it...

so, accu-chek pumpers, how the ruddy hell do you do it???

in order to set up a multiwave you have to go into advanced settings , wouldnt worry to much about it atm at your 2 week check group they will go into all the advanced settings

if you need 2 know anything else or just wanna ask some more q's send me a msg here or fb 🙂
that wasnt much help was it lol , re read your post lol

ok heres how

use the pump menu on the other bit not the pump till u get 2 select user menu

select 'advanced' out of the 3 options

it takes u to select profile and program 1 is default.... confirm it then it will return to the stop or run screen.

press menu

move to multiwave bolus
select the volus amount (for the carbs)
then it takes u to imidiate bolus and u can move up or down to set the amount u get straight away and and then the bolus duration (how long u want the multi wave to last for
check it then press tick to confirm it it will blink at u for a couple of seconds then it will do the first bolus

then u notice that when ur pump does the units per hour bit it will do another straight after thats the multi wave going in

complicated i know , you'll get the hang 🙂
actually no..oops messed up... soz 😱

when u select the multi wave bolus amount you set the whole ammount for the carbs and it does its own clever maths to how much it gives u straight away and how much goes in in bits later

also if u use the hand held bit if u want to test it to see if u set it up right go to the bolus advice and add some carb ammount then instead of selecting standard bolus at the bottom u can select multi wave , ok that and it will bring up a confermation bit check it then click ok

god its like the blind leading the blind lmao😱, sure there someone out there more qualified than me , but its good to run over it in my head
whoa that's soooo confusing! I think I'll have a play later 😎 Thanks bex :D
whoa that's soooo confusing! I think I'll have a play later 😎 Thanks bex :D

hi Sam,

Not sure where your up to with the pump.? It really is easy and not confusing, however if like me, they set you up just for normal bolusing etc, then when you go back you can do advanced, it makes sense as they want you to know the basics before going more in depth.

I was two weeks before i went into advanced settings, but when you do you will be ready for it and believe me the book will make sense then!

However, when in advanced settings ,

Take bg on handset, then put in cho, it will calculate bolus according to the ratio you have set for that time of day,

then: (when in advanced, where it says STANDARD, you hilight that and you can press, standard, multiwave, or extended) standard = full bolus, extended = duration of extended bolus, if say you want to give full amount over 15 or 30 mins, multiwave = when you hilight this it was ask for initial bolus, decide if you want 50/50 60/40 70/30 etc, so if its say 10 units and you want to do 50/50, put in 5 units, then it will let you programme amount of time you want the remaing 5 units over, they change in 15 min increments.

Hope this makes sense, it will wheen you do it honestly! good luck
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