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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all

i am very confused, i am type 2 diet only and self test. (doctors won;t entertain putting test strips and lancets on prescription) long story i have never dropped below 4.5 so imagine my horror when last night when i tested i was 2.2 had some gluco tablets and it raised quite quickly. did nothing different so i have no idea what caused it to drop. any ideas

the only tablets i am on is lamotrigine for my epilepsy but that has never raised my blood sugar before.

the funny thing about it, was i was not going to test last night but my jack russell would not let me go to sleep, he kept pawing me and pointing to my bag so i tested, good job i did.

thanks for listening

wow angie good ole doggy x had you done anything different ?
Your dog is brilliant. I have heard of dogs alerting owners to hypos before. I think there was a scheme in my area where people who had lost hypo awareness got (for want of a better phrase) sniffer dogs. They smell the changes to the chemical balance in your body.

Have you been more active? the last few days have also been cooler, and some folks find if they have to work to keep warm it can cause a hypo.
My dog is similar. They have a 6th sense I think!!

Clever doggie! 🙂
Dogs can smell the chemicals that are produced when your levels go under 4mmols - amazing really - well done dog! Perhaps you need to make an appointment with your GP and explain this low level - it might even spur him on to giving you test strips!🙂Bev
Dogs are also keenly attuned to our behaviour (and I mean keenly!). It may have picked up that you were hypo on that basis. The fact that your jack russell then linked the hypo to your bag is then quite remarkable! But, then, I've always felt that jack russells were one of the more intelligent breeds.

I know its off the subject of diabetes but there was a dog who wouldnt leave a womans breast alone whimpering n nosing her etc and it turned out to be breast cancer, even the drs didnt pick it up till she went back to demand a check up.

My nephew was running about the living room and my dog woke up, went to him, took a hold of his wrist and lay down forcing my nephew to sit down and kept him there till he calmed down. turnes out he was starting to have an asthma attack. it was amazing to watch.

Anyway, Ive had drops in blood sugar for no obvious reason i spose it could be your pancreas giving a little more insulin out than normal (normal for diabetics that is). Then again im no expert ive still LOADS to learn, im only 3 months diagnosed. could also be the type of meds your on
Anyway, Ive had drops in blood sugar for no obvious reason i spose it could be your pancreas giving a little more insulin out than normal (normal for diabetics that is). Then again im no expert ive still LOADS to learn, im only 3 months diagnosed. could also be the type of meds your on

Sometimes someone new can spot things that others who have been here a while miss, and everyone has good points to make. While we are not experts like doctors, we have experience, common sense and practical knowledge.
What a clever dog you have, I would go and see the doctor if I were you and see if he can explain why you had a hypo and maybe ask to have test strips etc because you clearly need them now. x
My cat has woken me up a couple of times in the night when I was hypo. Maybe we could get their food off the nhs
Cats are just as usefull! mine decided to stick a claw inmy foot when i was hypo in my sleep,
They also make nice hot warter bottles if you have stomach ache! 😛

It could be that you did slightly more exerisce, (vigorus hoovering?)
Carbs working quicker then expected?
thanks guys for all the useful suggestions, i have an appointment at the surgery next week, so i will approach them about test strips etc , its worth a try.

as for jack my jack russell he has had a biscuit treat and a big cuddle

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