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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was 7.3 before my walk. went for a 30min fast paced walk. came home was 7.7 tested just now (30mins later) 8.8 ?? I haven't eaten anything or done anything but sit and type my blog... im confoozeled
That does sound confusing!

When did you have lunch, perhaps you didn't judge the carbs quite right?

Or your basal needs tweeking now your control is getting better

or random thursday factor!

Hope it doesn't continue to rise


When did you last meet beforehand? I'm told sometimes aerobic versus anerobic exercise can make a difference as well. There's probably a thread on the exercise board about that...I think I saw one once whilst poking around on there! :D
I havent eaten anything all day. Just not been hungry and with my levels being ok I havent felt the need to, If they had dropped below 7 I would have eaten something.
me three lol just doesnt make any sense really does it lol
I know it sounds weird and I have no deep knowledge but not eating doesn't nessecerily mean good blood levels. AM who used to come on here regularly went through a phase of not eating all the time and she had some trouble, her levels were better when she ate, even if for example a small salad. Like I said don't know the science behind it, something to do with liver probably!??
hmmm maybe.

retested at 2 - 7.9 yay just tested again (slightly earlier than half hour but im going out) 8.2 !!!! tfkf kgv eds jfgc huh!!

I will eat something caws i know ill be hungry just not hungry yet lol x I promise i'll eat someting mr ross
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How long before your walk did you last inject?

It may be that there wasn't enough insulin in your body to lower your BG during your walk and that the other hormones that the body produces during exercise (adrenalin, endorphins etc.) have pushed the BG up slightly.

It looks like there may have been an error with the 8.8 reading because the others are all fairly similar.
if you've not eaten all day that could be it, sometimes the liver can respond to not having food for a while by kicking out a bit of glucose. Or your basal could be a little out. I probably wouldn't worry too much, it's not a masive rise, particularly if you take into account potential margins of error on meters etc
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