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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I saw the doc on 5th Feb as I suspected diabetes. Straight to hospital for blood tests - result 11.8 non fasting. Had to return on Mon - result 11.8 on fasting. Doc phoned me at work next day to tell me and said nurse would be in touch. Two days later no news so I called the surgery and saw nurse next day. She told me to wait two weeks and get my Hba1c done and she would see me 6 weeks after that. So did the Hba1c last week and telephoned this morning for the result and the lab have somehow messed it up and I have to get it done again. As a result nurse has now cancelled my appointment in April and said she would see me in June 😱 when she would have something to compare it with. When I complained she reluctantly said she would see me in May before I go on holiday. But she wont have anything to compare with as this is the first test! What I don't get is how will she know whether I have made any progress? For all she knows I might be walking around with levels of 12 or more! When I asked if I would be tested again before the May appointment I was told no it costs too much and I will have to wait for June for that! Thankfully I listened to you guys advice and am testing myself(buying my own strips) so I know I am improving. But I feel quite cross and confused that I am basically being left to it for 5 months. Has anyone else experienced this?

Anyway sorry rant over and off to the hospital to have the test done again :(
Hi Lynda goodness me they messed up your results how incompentant and how annoying for you , thats a real long time to just be left to basically stew and i can understand your frustrations, The usual thing crops up time and time again MONEY, i do feel for you and i know the feeling when i was first diagnosed in the february it was the june when i actually saw someone after various cases of my referrel vanishing i was eventually seen my by dsn end of june,they only care about the money in my opinion and to hell with what the patcient actually needs.Like you say you could be walking around in the teens or anything but as long as there saving money so what.Hugs to you lynda xxx
That is quite appalling. Have they explained anything to you ?

eg what a HBA1C is or how they expect you to manage the condition, given any advice on diet etc.

Surgery's can be slow at seeing people but there is slow and then there is practically stop. I don't know what comparison she is talking about as unless you go for another test the week before seeing her - she will only have one result. I think you should make an appointment with one of the Drs at your surgery and tell them how confused you are and that you really don't want to be worrying for months without any answers.

Hope they get a result for you this time.
They have meeseed you about alright. The good news is you are keeping an eye on things for yourself, and since the levels are going down you are doing something right!

Sometimes it is a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. SOmetime ago I was told I needed some blood tests, made the appointment for the dracula lady at the doctors, took little feller down with me and produced my left arm. Because someone had not ticked my name off to say I had been, I got a call lunch time to ask why I hadn't gone down, so I'd got another appointment for the following week, and the dracula lady asked me why i was there again and had a pop at the recpetionists after she had emptied my arm for the second time!
I saw the doc improving. But I feel quite cross and confused that I am basically being left to it for 5 months. Has anyone else experienced this?

Anyway sorry rant over and off to the hospital to have the test done again :(

Hi there,
you are not alone, most Type 2 Diabetics are cast adrift to their own devices after initial diagnosis with vacuous references to "Diet and Exercise" ( but there is NO specific programme of Diet or Exercise for new T2s !!!).
In Britain's NHS, the "2" in Type 2 Diabetes all too often stands for "2nd Class Citizen".
You have to educate yourself and manage yourself and treat your medical "team" as necessary gatekeepers of the services you need. Nod sweetly at them, take what they have to offer ; your Doc is just a pen-pusher with a prescription pad.
you need to know your rights - annual footchecks, annual eye exams with drops in, regular blood pressure readings, six monthly HbA1cs and the right to go on an educational course ( DESMOND or X-Pert or other local course ) for Type 2 Diabetes. As a Type 2 you will be lucky to see a proper Diabetes Specialist Nurse - we are usually fobbed off with the Practice Nurse at the Surgery who can do the basics like blood taking but not much else.
Diabetes UK website summarises "What to Expect". But you have already found out what to expect !!
It only costs ?10 for an hba1c for a cat - surely they are not suggesting that ?10 is too expensive? The same method is used to test the blood so it cant be that much different cost-wise. Offer to pay privately and this will hopefully get things rolling!:DBev
I've learned that I'm listened to if I get bolshie and insist. Make a nuisance of yourself, sometimes it's the only way.
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