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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, was wondering if anyone could help me, i was diagnosed in May of this year, told i was type 2 but they were worried about how quickly my pancreas was going down the pan, anyways they put me on the tablets which did nothing then onto insulin im a matter of months which is still a working progress and i have had a few other problems with it, when i saw the doc this week and mentioned i had spoken to other type 2's on here he told me i wasn't type 2 it was a mistake at the start untill they got results and the like so am now totally confused and wondering if anyone had any advice or experience with this
From other posts on this site, it doesn't appear that you are alone in this. The important thing is that you get the right treatment for you. As I undertand it sometimes getting the correct diagnosis can be difficult as Type 1 does not always present in the readily recognised way and Type 2 is much more common. I hope your problems with your insulin "work in progress" settle down for you
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