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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, just after a bit of advice, i am having an odd few days, my blood sugar is great i think considering a month ago I was in the high 20's, 7 in the morning, same at lunch and tea and around 11 at bedtime, thing is in the last coupla days it has dropped low so i've had a chocolate bar (very naughty I know but i thought what the hell I was low anyway) the thing is when i've had said choc bar my sugars have still dropped lower, now to be honest i am only on 34 units of mix in the morning now, 10 rapid at lunch and 6 at tea, I have cereal for brekkie, at lunch i have a slice of quiche and salad and tea time I have either salmon with melted cheese, veg and potato slices or something along those lines, am totally confused and wondering if my body is having a last stab at producing some insulin of it's own maybe?? :confused:
Hi, how long after the chocolate bar are you testing again? I think chocolate is not supposed to be the best thing to treat low levels because the fat slows the digestion of the carbs, so it may be that whatever was dropping you low may have continued to despite the chocolate 'infusion'🙂

You may just be becoming more sensitive to the insulin for some reason - you may have read my thread 'bother this bloomin basal - my insulin requirements have dropped about 40% overall recently. Do you always take the smae insulin each day? Do I remember you saying that you were stopping steroids recently too? That might be having an effect on your body too (but I don't know, I'm only guessing!).

It's terrific that your numbers have come down so well! I guess though, that the closer you get to your range, the tighter it becomes and lows are more likely.
Hiya, Im not good at advice like that but hey, well done on such a great improvement on your numbers! Fantastic! xx
Off the steroids for near 9 weeks now so numbers coming down and steady for a few weeks but this blip is kinda weird as I don't take that much insulin and I am meant to be on Lantus but too scared to switch over as am allergic to so much that i'm a bit worried, me a bit of a woose lol
Although chocolate, biscuits and cake all contain sugar, they also contain fat. This slows the absoorption of sugar int to the bloodstream, so none are brilliant for treating s hypo but are very nice for a treat!
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