

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I joined last year having been diagnosed with type 2.Im now on Metformin and the med to protect my heart.Downside I was only 8 stone and now my weights dropped to 7 and a half. I eat very healthily as I had a heart attack at 42.Now 59. My blood sugars have gone up again to 60... Why? I cook fresh fish or chicken. veg.Just cant get my head around this. Anyone else similar?
Hi there. Sorry to hear your diabetes is giving some questions, can I ask it has ever been considered you are type1 not type 2? Also how much carbs do you eat daily would you say?
Thanks for replying.Im beginningvto wonder if im type 1...
I eat one wheat abix breakfast. Some yoghurt and strawberries. Salad for lunch with turkey. I eat fish some potatoes veg or salad. Eat really small portions. I will have a no sugar biscuit. Eat almonds sometimes. I drink tea a lot with skimmed milk. I have 2 blissfuls a day otherwise no sugar. No take aways and no pop or pre packed meals.What do you think?
Thanks for replying.Im beginningvto wonder if im type 1...
I eat one wheat abix breakfast. Some yoghurt and strawberries. Salad for lunch with turkey. I eat fish some potatoes veg or salad. Eat really small portions. I will have a no sugar biscuit. Eat almonds sometimes. I drink tea a lot with skimmed milk. I have 2 blissfuls a day otherwise no sugar. No take aways and no pop or pre packed meals.What do you think?
That is a possibility that you could be Type 1 but looking at what you are eating it may not be enough to stop you loosing weight. Your menu seems pretty light on protein and healthy fats which you need to have enough of if you are having very few carbs.
I appreciate you have other conditions which can make menu choices challenging. No sugar biscuits can be still high in carbs so you maybe better with some of the high protein bars like Nature Valley, KIND or Graze as they are only 12-15g carbs for a good sized bar.
Do you eat eggs as they are low carb, avocados, nuts are all foods which would help maintain your weight.
I’m not a doctor, and we can’t really know, but you could ask for GAD and c peptide tests to investigate T1, bearing in mind that they may not be conclusive. If it is slow onset T1, then the. Metformin may have helped for a while, but if you pancreas is now not producing much insulin, it will be less and less effective. If it’s not T1, then, given raised hba1c, it sounds like you could use some support from a dietician and/or a review of medication.
That is a possibility that you could be Type 1 but looking at what you are eating it may not be enough to stop you loosing weight. Your menu seems pretty light on protein and healthy fats which you need to have enough of if you are having very few carbs.
I appreciate you have other conditions which can make menu choices challenging. No sugar biscuits can be still high in carbs so you maybe better with some of the high protein bars like Nature Valley, KIND or Graze as they are only 12-15g carbs for a good sized bar.
Do you eat eggs as they are low carb, avocados, nuts are all foods which would help maintain your weight.
Thank you.I will look at your suggestions. Sadly I do not like eggs at all....Will look at high protein bars! I like nuts.Its difficult balancing my heart re fats. So difficult.
Thank you.I will look at your suggestions. Sadly I do not like eggs at all....Will look at high protein bars! I like nuts.Its difficult balancing my heart re fats. So difficult.
Another idea is the protein yoghurts which are low carb and low fat several flavours, Arla in most supermarkets or Aldi Brooklea or Kvarg deserts
Sorry to hear you are losing weight that you’d prefer not to, and your HbA1c is rising despite what looks like a pretty low-carb menu :(

Is it statins you are on to help your heart-health?

Have you has your lipids (blood fats / cholesterol) checked recently?

Perhaps you could look into current recommendations for healthier fats? Some sources of fats seem to be either neutral, or even beneficial for heart health.