

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
hello had dinner 6.30pm plus cabbage . avoiding foods that were bloating. being tested for diabetis soon .went to bed sugars7.4 but i have severe constipation and hadnt been . my tummy felt full still. woke feeling sooi weak and lethargic .sugars were 8.5. Could taste food. im speaking to a gp today hopefully . as ive no idea whats going on . I hope not gastroparesis . i was ok yesterday ,, seeing gastro end August. ears hiss. i had take my laxatives .i dont always go same day. sorry i feel i had to talk
Thanks for sharing @Basten, I hope your speaking to your GP today will help give you some answers and a plan going forwards. Do mention your ears hissing, as could well be tinnitus as @rebrascora mentioned on one of your other posts. And also, if you're laxatives are not working well, perhaps they could prescribe a different kind.
hello had dinner 6.30pm plus cabbage . avoiding foods that were bloating. being tested for diabetis soon .went to bed sugars7.4 but i have severe constipation and hadnt been . my tummy felt full still. woke feeling sooi weak and lethargic .sugars were 8.5. Could taste food. im speaking to a gp today hopefully . as ive no idea whats going on . I hope not gastroparesis . i was ok yesterday ,, seeing gastro end August. ears hiss. i had take my laxatives .i dont always go same day. sorry i feel i had to talk
he just said wait see gastro .he was busy
Oh dear, that doesn't sound like a productive conversation. You mentioned you're seeing gastro at the end of August. That's not too far away but how do you think you'll manage until then?
Oh dear, that doesn't sound like a productive conversation. You mentioned you're seeing gastro at the end of August. That's not too far away but how do you think you'll manage until then?
i will have to. But I also spoke to another gp . cos ive been having b12 injections iron tabs folic acid. he asked me not to hand write a letter , type one. i did . it basically said to gastro about my symptoms . he said oh yes ive just read it but didnt think writing to gastro would help. i said ok i just thought coming from a gp would help. they all know me and I'm complicated because i have hit tolerance to diazepam i take for sleep which doesnt do much. and they know how bad i will be trying to come off it. even one gastro i saw said that won't be easy . easy. they dont really understand half . but do know it effects nerves brain etc. ive tried tapering and to say it was horrendous is an understatement. its affected my bowels already .the other gp said dont hesitate to ask for face to face and i will be happy to see you. they know I have mental health problems . yes im complicated . i said well the b12 hasnt solved bowel probs and wont due to diazepam . the trouble is my usual gastro wouldn't do tests either.. anyway he knows ive appt to get sugars checked everything. i was ok on them but im torn . i will just have to wait . the gastro has been sent from me some emails . He said before it's my way of coping .yes as on own is. at least the iron tabs not breathless is what it is. they know everything went wrong when i stupidly smoked after non for years last year ..i have a confession . I don't know why i did it but bought a vape thing the other day. i didnt know it can affect sugars so chucked it after using it. I hadn't eaten and sugar in day was 8.6. ..i never mentioned that as theyd probably be furious .i got so fed up and am scared I've caused damage . but feeling full regardless of that if no bowel movement was happening . I was bloating on a lot of foods back end january and gastro wasnt concerned .stop all of them onr being chocolate cake and biscuits . ive been on diaz 6 years plus other meds which i weaned off. took as prescribed innocently for sleep. so it just all feels useless and i know my usual gastro wont do anything but if diabetic he may sure i am .sooo stupid .they either dont believe me or agree to anything stuck feeling more miserable .
too late now. i never knew they should only be taken no more than 2 weeks. diazepam is known to cause worse in mornings there's so many suffering coming off it..i do see a psych but again my choice and they dont understand . i spoke to a lady in Texas. she's old and been off 26 months and still had . has to use a walker ...