Confused with results and GP response


New Member
Hi all,
I have just seen the previous two years Hba1c results and I’m extremely confused!
A bit of history for you, I had gestational diabetes in all three of my pregnancies and have high blood pressure.
In 2022 a GP happened to mention that I am high risk for type 2 which I wasn’t aware of and I was advised that it would be a good idea to do a Hba1c. Results came back and I was told all normal. I wasn’t told the actual result and didn’t have access to view it but didn’t second guess what I had been told. I had another Hba1c last year and yet again was told all is normal.
I have just seen the actual results after finally getting access to my records and in 2022 my result was 8.1% and 2023 it was 10%.

From the reading I have been doing, that isn’t a normal result at all. I’m going to try and speak to a GP tomorrow but in the mean time if anyone has any advice about whether those levels are normal or not, it would be greatly appreciated!! Or if anyone has experience the same thing and they haven’t been told that they have diabetes for years then I’d be interested to hear!!
They are certainly not normal, and a reading of 10% is certainly something which calls for action.

(The threshold for a diabetes diagnosis is 6.5% = 48 mmol/mol, as you probably know.)

I'd be pounding the table.
Did they definitely do an HbA1C rather than a random blood glucose test @Hrc93 ? If so, then yes, those results are abnormal and in the diabetes zone.
I'm with Inka on this. If the test was a random then the diagnostic threshold is greater than 11 in the presence of symptoms.

If you have concerns, it could be useful to have an HbA1c test done. The HBa1c is considered the Gold Standard for diagnosing T2 diabetes.
