Confused. Controlling Type 2 and Kidney Disease

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keith king

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Happy New Year people.

Before Christmas I was prescribed Jardiance and the effects were positive. Weight loss and constantly good figures on the sugar meter. Then results from a recent blood test showed that I was at stage 3a kidney disease.

Problem, it suggests that the medication should not be taken if you kidney disease. Can I assume that the medical boffs know what they are doing and prescribed it anyway. I have also started getting a very painful and irritating itchy skin from head to toe which research tells me that is an indication of latter stages kidney disease. Can the 6 weeks of this med have worsened the kidney disease from stage 3a to 4-5?
Short answer is I haven't a clue - but does whoever prescribed it actually talk to your kidney consultant? I'd absolutely want to check the position with your Kidney 'team' before continuing with it.
I would talk to your kidney consultant or if you can't reach them see your doctor about the concerns with the medication, they could switch you on to an alternative med, if there is any chance the Jardiance could put you at further risk of kidney damage.
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