Confused about possible neuropathy


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So, I was externally asymptomatic when I was diagnosed last month. I know I haven't been living with undiagnosed type 2 for years because I have annual blood tests and my numbers 12 and 24 months ago were 42, so pre-diabetic.

Within a week of my diagnosis, I had had my first annual foot exam: all fine. That was less than a month ago. All pulses present and correct. All responses to stimuli present.
I've been resolutely low carb since diagnosis (averaging around 50-60g per day). My blood sugars haven't been out of range at all. They've always been between 4-7 at fasting (albeit mainly 6s) and between 5-7.5 postprandial (no spikes either).

But, I've had tingling toes/pins and needles for the past 48 hours. Surely, if I didn't have any signs of neuropathy at diagnosis and controlled BG since, I couldn't have suddenly developed it, could I?

I do get restless legs a lot and wondered if I might be magnesium or potassium deficient with the drastic change in diet. Or alternately, as my husband gently suggested, psychological because I'm reading all the things (hopeful and less hopeful) about life with diabetes.

I appreciate I need to see my GP for a proper medical thought but I trust the living experts here to give me the low down on neuropathy.
Sorry to hear you've been experiencing a tingling feeling/ pins and needles in your toes. Has this continued since you posted?

My understanding is that neuropathy can occur after several years of uncontrolled blood sugar levels. You've mentioned your HbA1c results 12 and 24 months ago were both 42mmol/mol, and your signature states your HbA1c at diagnosis was 52mmol/mol which is only slightly higher than the diagnosis range (48mmol/mol +). This isn't such a huge increase and not that long a period of time for things to deteriorate that much so I would think this is unrelated. However, like you say, worth getting it checked as it is a change you're experiencing, especially if it has continued.
Sorry to hear you've been experiencing a tingling feeling/ pins and needles in your toes. Has this continued since you posted?

My understanding is that neuropathy can occur after several years of uncontrolled blood sugar levels. You've mentioned your HbA1c results 12 and 24 months ago were both 42mmol/mol, and your signature states your HbA1c at diagnosis was 52mmol/mol which is only slightly higher than the diagnosis range (48mmol/mol +). This isn't such a huge increase and not that long a period of time for things to deteriorate that much so I would think this is unrelated. However, like you say, worth getting it checked as it is a change you're experiencing, especially if it has continued.
Thank you for your reply. I don't think it has continued but I do continue to be hypervigilant about my feet! I think it possibly has been, as my husband suggested, a psychological thing.
My diabetes nurse did suggest not going bare foot -and I ignored her, because I like being bare foot around the house! But, I'm trying to wear slippers or slipper socks more and I think it helps as, even it makes no physical difference, it makes me less paranoid about damaging them in some way!
I do need to see my GP about something unrelated to diabetes so I'll mention it and see if they want to retest me.
Sounds like a plan @BobbleHat. Keep us posted too. :care: