Confirmed Prediabetic Keep Collapsing

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi new to forum recently been passing out and falling over my head goes strange legs get a bit wobbly and pass out and fall. ( diabetes collapse ?

Is this a thing with prediabetes.

Most times at late afternoon but has happened during day too. a few times when drinking beer but mostly not. Had an episode 2 days ago at the pub, was taken to hospital paramedics said BS level was high at 30 or 130 not sure which one. I hadnt eaten much nor drunk much during day. had 3 pints. went for a cig and collapsed. CT scan ok Dr said bloods ok but do not know what bloods he took Would the sugar in real ale push me over ? Is collapse a diabetes thing. Reading just now 13.4

Sorry so long winded

Just trying to see if this could be a possibility

Sorry just to add some tests come up with ketones ?
Could I have ketoacidosis ?
Hi @Reidy100 and welcome to the forum. With those readings I'd have thought you were diabetic rather than pre-diabetic. However, the test for diabetes (hba1c) is an accumulation of around 3 months rather than spot checks.
Certainly beer is higher carb than spirits or wine. I'm not sure how the doctor could say your bloods were ok if you are testing 13.4. Was he referring to other blood results?
None of us here can give medical advice, but hopefully someone else will be along soon to help a bit more.
I would say it is not normal to keep collapsing and you should contact your GP for some further tests. Those glucose reading would indicate diabetes not just prediabetic.
Sorry just to add some tests come up with ketones ?
Could I have ketoacidosis ?
If this is on your fingerprick meter it isn’t saying you have ketones it’s saying you should consider checking for ketones
Sounds like diabetes, discuss urgently with your GP, hopefully he will have access to test results from hospital.
I am pre-diabetic and I know a lot of people who are too. Also a lot of Type 2 diabetics. They do not have collapsing episodes so, in my opinion, i don't think it is anything to do with being pre-diabetic. I am not medically trained, however. Those readings seem high for pre-diabetes to me.

I think you need to discuss this with your GP and find out why this is happening as you could be seriously injured in a fall. Have you any follow up with the hospital? They would have sent a report to your GP.

Has your blood pressure been checked? Is that falling too low as that could possibly be a factor. Certainly it needs to be taken seriously as it should not keep happening.
Hi new to forum recently been passing out and falling over my head goes strange legs get a bit wobbly and pass out and fall. ( diabetes collapse ?

Is this a thing with prediabetes.

Most times at late afternoon but has happened during day too. a few times when drinking beer but mostly not. Had an episode 2 days ago at the pub, was taken to hospital paramedics said BS level was high at 30 or 130 not sure which one. I hadnt eaten much nor drunk much during day. had 3 pints. went for a cig and collapsed. CT scan ok Dr said bloods ok but do not know what bloods he took Would the sugar in real ale push me over ? Is collapse a diabetes thing. Reading just now 13.4

Sorry so long winded

Just trying to see if this could be a possibility

Hi Steve
I’m new here and only know a small bit about diabetes but learning each day. I came across a podcast featuring Professor Roy Taylor, one of the world’s leading experts in type 2 diabetes. It was an eye opener, a life saver and such a wonder to listen to. I now have his book called Life Without Diabetes. This morning I was reading a bit about keytones and as you say it does sound as though it could be a diabetic crash but don’t know if it happens with type 2. I know you’ve been to the emergency but think a trip to your doctor is needed. Maybe don’t go without eating much doing the day and drink plenty of water. Good luck.
If ketones in your blood are so high it causes you to pass out - that is actually life threatening and means that nowhere near enough insulin is reaching your vital organs so unless you get some insulin circulating round your body pdq, one by one they close down until you die - unless someone stops that for you by giving you some insulin. Blood glucose meters usually tell you to test for ketones once your blood glucose reading shows 13.0 or higher. If your meter tells you that message more than once in a month of Sundays no way are you still PRE diabetic.
You absolutely DO need to get to your GP asap and start treating your diabetes seriously before something really awful happens to you. May sound boring to you, to have to change your lifestyle and diet BUT you either want to remain alive and relatively healthy or you don't.
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