Concerned / Anxious

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
I'm type 2 on rybelsus 14mg, metformin 2000mg and gliclazide 80mg.

I've lost 2 stone since Christmas and I'm lucky if I get my blood levels under 14. I'm currently 24.

I had a blood test 4 weeks ago to see if I'm T1 but the doctors haven't received results back. I have an appointment with the diabetic nurse this Thursday to discuss the next steps.
I'm just wondering what you think the next steps would be? Thanks
I must add my diet is good.
When you say good, what sort of foods do you have.
Loss of weight plus all those medications do suggest Type 1 or LADA so good they have done some tests.
Sounds similar to a friend who was treated as Type 2 as she was assumed to be so as she is in her 70ies but turned out she is Type 1 as a result of the tests and once started on insulin is so much better. Now having to work to get muscle strength back.
I have healthy meals. Huel for breakfast, most things wholemeal. Don't get me wrong I'm not perfect I can be naughty but this isn't every day.
I have healthy meals. Huel for breakfast, most things wholemeal. Don't get me wrong I'm not perfect I can be naughty but this isn't every day.
Have you tested some of your meals to see if they are increasing your blood glucose, many test before they eat and after 2 hours aiming at no more than 3mmol/l increase. Even wholemeal carbs will be too high for many to tolerate.
I hope the blood tests give you some clarity on diabetes Type
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