Concerned about BG levels


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I’m new to the forum. Have type 2 and on metformin and stigaliptin and still can’t reduce my blood sugar, lowest is 14.8. Can you offer any help and suggestions?
Welcome to the forum @Burgpa

I’ve split your post into a thread of its own, so that you can get more personalised responses.

Sorry to hear your BG levels aren’t responding to the meds as you would like. How long ago was Sitagliptin added to your meds?

How long have you been living with diabetes? And how did your diagnosis come about? Did you have some of the classic risk factors (eg being overweight) or did it come on suddenly out of the blue?
Hi and welcome from me too.

Sorry to read that you have concerningly high BG levels. Apart from the medication, what dietary changes have you made as the medication alone will not manage diabetes and needs to be used in conjunction with dietary and lifestyle changes and perhaps weight loss if appropriate.

Knowing the answers to the above questions will help us understand your situation better and make appropriate suggestions.
Are there any carbs that are worse than others. Also any foods that I should concentrate on eating
Are there any carbs that are worse than others. Also any foods that I should concentrate on eating
Yes. Yes probably.

Of course we can easily elaborate on that reply once we know what you're needing to achieve. You could easily click on the link to the DUK Learning Zone (red tab on the top of the page) for general food info for Type 2.
All carbs convert to sugars when processed by the body, although some may be precessed faster, and others a bit slower.

People can be more specific in answers if you can give an example of a typical days meals.
Hi. Do you have excess weight or are you under weight? It's always possible you are late onset T1 if you are under weight?There are other meds that can be added if needed to help.
Are there any carbs that are worse than others. Also any foods that I should concentrate on eating
Everyone is different, and some can tolerate carbs more than others. For example, I can eat boiled potatoes in their skins, but can't really tolerate baked potatoes or chips. I can tolerate porridge oats, but not Oatibix, and I can eat small quantities of brown rice. I can tolerate reheated pasta, but not freshly cooked pasta. I can eat bread with adequate protein (eggs for example) but not toasted on its own.

The best way to find out is to finger prick test. Test just before eating and 2 hours after first bite. Reading after should be less than 2 higher than the before reading if the carb/meal is well tolerated. Once BG under control, the target should be between 4-7 when fasting, or 2 hours after eating, should be between 4 and 8.5.

I believe the only way to live well with diabetes is to understand how your body reacts to various foods, and then tailor your diet to what you can tolerate.