Concentration problems

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi all

I have a difficult question to ask you guys - Iam newly diagnosed as type 1.5, but the past 6 months i was initially diagnosed as type 2 and put on meds until i took antigad test privately and it was positive. Ive just started insulin and iam keeping OK control 4-9 mol at all times (i wouild like to improve this) But the main problem i have is concentration problems - i seem to have had this since my Type 2 diagnosis in October 2009. Iam really unable to do alot at my job - basically computer work. The company i work for has accomodated for me with easier work until i get better but iam really not sure if iam ever going to get better. I started insulin 4 weeks ago and although ive had some mistakes with carb counting - iam doing OK .It seems i feel better about 1 hour after eating something, then to feel like iam in a day dream again not long after. Iam not on a long acting insulin yet , i just use novorapid short acting insulin to cover my meals. Iam generally not going high or low when i experience these symptoms - i had concentration problems for the 6 months before i started insulin .I had a c-peptide done a while ago(3 months ago) and this came back as below normal insulin level. Iam worried about work and iam not sure how long they will keep me in work as they are pressing for a doctors letter and would like a explanation to why iam having concentration difficulties. I know the law with regards to the disabilty act but they can still get rid of you if your performance dips for a continous period . Iam concerned but not anxious or depressed - i tend to be in a day dream most of the time and actually do not think properly. I tend to repeat myself and generally have had just a complete character change. I feel like iam 15 years old instead of 34 . I do tend to function better when my blood sugar is the 6-7 mol range. But this is not always the case. I tend to feel better if iam snacking throughout the day. It feels like iam sensitive to the highs and lows. I hope things improve as iam starting to worry about it all. At the moment the nurse is figuring out a basal insulin that works for me but this will take time to sort out. I tend to wonder around and chat alot at work, which is something i never used to do. I feel restless and it does not feel like any food is giving my brain any fuel . Any suggestions or help would be greatly apprieciated.
hello and welcome to the forums. Your control sounds pretty good. there are quite a few people who'd like to keep it 9 or below.

I too have problems concentrating at times. I find a few low carb snacks to hand (carrott battons, celery sticks, the odd apple) helps. I also find if I listen to music (has to be just music and not singin) helps.

Things do improve. the one thing I have learned is I have to be more patient with myself and there is a lot to learn.
Hi there Numbnuts (I hate that name by the way, I'm sure you're no such thing). I'm in almost exactly the same boat as you, initially dxd as Type 2, then re-dxd as 1.5 in March this year. I'm not on insulin yet, but I have the feeling it won't be long.

I also have serious problems with memory and concentration, to the extent that I have to have a reminder set on my moby to tell me what pill to take when, otherwise I get confused about whether or not I've had them. Caroline's idea of the low GI snacks is a good one, I usually have some carrot sticks or other veggies around to have with humous or cauli dip and I snack throughout the day too, I'm finding that if I do that I get through without flaking out too often. I'm still signed off at the mo, so I haven't had to worry too much about looking for work, but I do volunteer with the local alcohol counselling service and I have struggled to cope at times even with the few hours I do there. I seem to just run out of steam all of a sudden. Having said that, it's not nearly as bad now as it was back in September when I was first dxd, I'm getting there slowly. Your blood sugars do have a huge effect on your personality and reactions to stress but I'm told things will even out once I get used to 'normal' numbers.

My advice is not to be too hard on yourself, it takes time to get used to this thing.
I can't really offer any advice only to say I too have low concentration levels since diagnosis. I am ok at home but work is a struggle. It takes a long long time to understand and remember things. I have gone to meetings and come out and am not sure what the hell it's been about yet alone whether I had any action points from it. My levels are now in a 5-9 range and I am a bit better but the problem is still there and I have little energy. Like you I am restless too and do wander off for chats because half time my head is too 'fuzzy' to deal with work matters :( It's worrying and I have tried to explain to my manager and hope that things will improve with time.
I have dreadful concentration now but never really associated it with being diabetic, but looking back to before I was diagnosed my concentration for things did fall drastically.. I have always put it down to my depression but maybe it isn't all to do with that.
Thinking about it, I have always put my poor concentration down to being bored and my manager being too nice. I'm not complaining about my manager because I get a lot of leeway, but she is trying hard to keep everyone happy instead of saying this is you work now get on with it...
Hi there Numbnuts, glad you've got good control and your diagnosis sorted.

I have always had poor memory and concentration very low, one of the reasons I rarely read is after 20mins I'd be asleep! I notice it the most when driving, and the best thing there is sugar free red bull or as you said constant munching. I guess I'm lucky that when I need to concentrate at work it's not for hours and hours at a time.

I hope you find a way back to your old (although 34 obviously ain't that old!) self!


Rossi 🙂
I am so glad you posted this thread because i thought it was just me!!! I keep complaining to my DSN but all she says is that i've got to give it time. Or that the antidote to lethargy is exercise...whatever. I have a tendancy to drift off at work if left unattended, and i normally assume that because my blood sugar is high, but i tested today and found it was only 7.3.. If anybody has an explaination for this or a cure, then please let me know! Luckily my boss is very sympathetic.
I knew it!!!

Glad that other people have very similar issues. I find lots of cold drinks work for me.

I can have days where I can't do anything as it takes me 5 - 6 attempts to do something simple like make a cuppa. Heh, I walk in kitchen, put kettle on, get some ham out of fridge to nibble on, go sit down, half an hour later go put kettle on, get distracted by a cat/child/wife go sit down etc.....
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