comunication warning grrrr

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
last night i ate 45g of carbs and used the bolus thingy on my accu check combo....i said it bolused but i didnt feel it vibrate ( wich it does when u bolus ) but checked the data and it said it had bolused but i was a little concerned that it hadnt :confused: anyway i have wokn up with a b.s of 16 and tryed to bolus for it but my pump handset said warning comunication error your insulin data may not be acurate!! your telling me its not flippin working! and it didnt bolus... i phoned roche and the only advice they offered me was change the batterys in the handset!! ( they didnt need changing ) and doesnt solve the problem with the stored data because i have high b.s results and its saying ive bolused when it hasnt 😡 gonna phon nursey in a bit and see what she says but grrrr why is it always me that gets a broken one😡
Sorry to hear of the problems Bex - particularly when you are so new to it! :( I'm surprised that Roche weren't more helpful. Hopefully, your DSN has been more use.
Dont Panic


I have the same pump. Its not broken. Our hanset uses bluetooth connection so sometimes it gets interrupted. The first time it happened to me i too was unsure if it had bolused.

It often comes up communication error when doing the bolus info part, just press cancel and start again, sometimes it takes a couple of goes, it sounds long winded but really isnt.

I checked the manual previoulsy when this happened to me. Im sure it it normal to come up that data may not be accurate as you temporarily lost connection, however when you go into data, it ONLY shows up what has actually bolused so you can tell that it has.

Please dont worry about this it is a great pump. 🙂
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