Complication or stress?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Im 39 and have type 1 for 15 years.
My hba1c is 42 and time in range 4-10 around 90%.

I have so much worry for complications even tough my numbers are good.
Het last year I have tingling in my feet and hot feet. I also have the feeling that I have much softer erections than I used to have. I’m really afraid that I soon cannot lead the love I want:(

I’m a big worrier and I wonder if I really have complications or if it can also be stress.

I’m a like 10-15 kg overweight that I’m trying to address. I can kick myself for not doing that sooner. My focus has always been on managing my sugar and not my total health.

Any advise?
Stress can certainly lead to complications of all sorts @Moos - it can increase your blood sugars, can affect your sex drive and make it more difficult to lose weight.

As a type 2 I can't really say how you would manage to lose weight. It's quite simple for T2s not on insulin, we can just reduce the carbs we eat which in turn helps us lose weight and reduces our BG.

Hopefully someone with T1 will be along soon to address the issue of losing weight with T1.

Very best of luck to you x
Your Time in Range is excellent @Moos 🙂 There are other things that can cause tingling feet, eg vitamin deficiencies, chillblains, etc, etc. I’m a woman so I can help with your sexual worries but I would say that a lot of sex is psychological not just physical. If your mind isn’t in the right place, your body can misfunction a bit.

For weight loss, have you tried keeping an honest food diary to see where you could cut back a bit and/or if you’re eating to avoid dropping low? You could also use something like MyFitnessPal. I use that to put on weight but most people use it to lose weight. It’s good to have the info there so you know you’re keeping within your calorie target as much as possible.
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