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Commuting just 10 miles to work each day 'increases the risk of CVD, diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Workers who commute more than ten miles to work each day are at greater risk of suffering from heart disease, diabetes or cancer, researchers have warned.
Long-distance commutes can be particularly hazardous to health and are linked to increased weight, bigger waistlines and lung fitness, according to a study.
And scientists at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, claim that travelling just 15 miles to work are at more likely to be obese and not getting enough exercise.

Well, 10 miles is within cycling distance, but they obviously don't think people cycle 20 miles each day.

My longest commute by bike was 17 miles each way, although I usually drove, as job was on Sunday, so no public transport option. Today, it's just 1 mile each way, which isn't really long enough, but will be 3.5 miles each way at weekend / bank holiday.
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