common sense we get diabetes from past family

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Not necessarily. Inherited DNA is complex and you can have some damaged genes for the first time in your family. Also LADA (Late onset T1) can be caused by viruses and these don't usually come from the family as in my case.
There can be a genetic component in some people’s diagnosis with diabetes (and in a person’s level of risk of developing different types), but many members have no relatives with any form of diabetes.
Not sure about the accuracy of 9 out of 10, but would certainly agree its complicated. Genetics are complex and characteristics frequently seem able to appear 2 or more generations apart.

I happen to come from a wider family that has T1 and some T2 in every generation going back to aunts, uncles and cousins on my maternal side; the latest was T1 in June for my 21 yr old great niece. There is no usable evidence before parents - people with diabetes routinely weren't treatable 100+ years ago and WW1 changed our family tree hugely. My T3c is a consequence of cancer and surgery, so doesn't count in the familial D analysis!
When I was diagnosed with Type 1 in my 30s, I asked my Mum if there was a history of any form of diabetes in our family. After much thinking she eventually came up with a great aunt ... through marriage. I concluded my diagnosis was unlikely to be genetic. At least no blood relative three generations back has or had diabetes if any type.
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There’s definitely a genetic link in my family, my mother and daughter are both T1 and mum also had an aunt who had it. My brother and I do not though, neither do his children (fingers crossed it stays that way). Mum always used to say that you inherit the tendency towards diabetes but it needs some external influence to trigger it. Don’t know whether that would still be said today, but it works for us, Mum thinks hers was triggered by shock when my dad had a road accident which nearly killed him, and my daughter’s was from a virus. Having said all that though, I also know T1s who were diagnosed completely out of the blue with no family history at all.
Not sure about the accuracy of 9 out of 10, but would certainly agree its complicated. Genetics are complex and characteristics frequently seem able to appear 2 or more generations apart.

I happen to come from a wider family that has T1 and some T2 in every generation going back to aunts, uncles and cousins on my maternal side; the latest was T1 in June for my 21 yr old great niece. There is no usable evidence before parents - people with diabetes routinely weren't treatable 100+ years ago and WW1 changed our family tree hugely. My T3c is a consequence of cancer and surgery, so doesn't count in the familial D analysis!

The statistic comes from JDRF and I’ve heard it elsewhere too. 9 out of 10 people diagnosed with Type 1 do not have a close relative with it. Although you ‘need the Type 1 genes’ to develop Type 1, most people who have those genes do not go on to get Type 1. The trigger is environmental. Even in identical twins, if one develops Type 1, the other one only has a 50% chance of getting it.

People’s risk of developing Type 1 can go up/change if they move to a different country. Again, environmental.

If you have a lot of diabetes in your family, has MODY been considered (not for you obviously, for others)?
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