Commissioning board chief admits 'I don't use the NHS'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The Government's newly-appointed chair of the NHS Commissioning Board has risked incurring the wrath of critics by admitting he does not use the NHS.

The admission from Professor Malcolm Grant came during a grilling he received at the hands of the House of Commons Health Committee last week.
When asked to demonstrate his ‘passion' for the NHS, the Univer*sity College London provost, appointed to the role earlier this month, was forced onto the defensive by MPs.
‘Come on, what do you want me to say?' he asked. ‘I find it difficult to demonstrate because I am not a patient of the NHS.'

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And these are the people that decide what's good for us .... bet he didn't get the sack though, did he?
And the same applies in the world of education....
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