Commercial Weight Loss Plans


Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes UK is interested to hear from anyone who is considering, or has considered commercial weight loss plans:

”What do you instantly think about when you hear ‘commercial weight loss plan’? Are there any go-to brands you might be more inclined to try? Let us know below.”
Weightwatchers, slimming world are the big two I’d think of.

Since diabetes though I’ve not found them easy to follow. I did briefly try them but you have to count their points, the WW app you track your food in could tell you the carbs in a particular food item but not in a meal. So you end up having to count everything twice.

If a commercial plan existed that was based around using something like the nutracheck app where you just count calories and can clearly see fibre, protein etc, and you can customise the ratios to suit you. But the group then provided support in sticking to tracking, peer support, weigh ins etc, then I’d be straight there as that feels it would really work for me.

Ultimately though anything that involves counting a commercial brands points on top of counting carbs, doubling the workload, isn’t going to be something I can stick to.
Just to note that WW actually has RCT's, I think maybe alone among the commercial programs?

Just from a quick search:

More studies etc in this search: watchers&sort=relevance
”What do you instantly think about when you hear ‘commercial weight loss plan’? Are there any go-to brands you might be more inclined to try? Let us know below.”
looking at the statistics 95%+ (I think I read) of people who lost weight have either re-gained or added to it with-in 3 years of the initial loss its why "commercial weight loss plans' are absolutely fantastic business models.
Just looking at the ingredients in a tomato soup from a weight loss company and its full of ultra-processed rubbish that'll cost you 3 times what a homemade version would.

Sorry to say the only pounds you'll permanently lose using these sorts of diets are those found in your wallet/purse rather than those around your waist!
My first thought is the Slim Fast brand and similar meal replacement products. Has anyone used these to support weight loss and has this led to remission?