Coming off insulin onto Dapagliflozin

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Mick B1966

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I recently had my diabetes review and was pleased to find out that my HbA1c was down to 36. Was prescribed Novomix30 when first diagnosed in November last year and have not had any issues. My nurse specialist has suggested I come off the insulin and try Dapagliflozin instead.
I also take Metformin 500mg x2 bd.
Has anyone else made this transition and how did you find it?
Hi Mick,

I’ve been given Dapagliflozon since the end last month. My HBA1c is higher than yours at 43 so I’m still using some bolus insulin.

Although massive reduction in insulin need isn’t relevant to your situation, much greater carb tolerance maybe is. Foods that would previously needed a lot of insulin and still resulted in readings above 10 are much more tolerable.

No obvious downside so far other than a bit of unusual fatigue which might or might not be connected to this medication.

Hope it goes well for you.
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