Combo remote/'smart' meter

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Apols if already asked and answered, can't find it if so.

You know the prob Mike (Everydayupsanddowns) has with the meter using it with MDI; ie that you have to choose to define boluses specifically and differently defore instructing the machine to deliver it - with the pump - in order for the gizmo to include it in the 'insulin on board' figure as well as any corrections?

Is that the same when you actually have the pump to go with the meter?

Getting Mr P this week but understand the remote comes later once we all know I'm fairly competent (ooer) (that might be a while then .... :D) and would just like to be pre-warned?
ROFLMAO - just idly clicked on my horridcsope on Yahoo, which said

An expert's advice is simple and should be followed rather than questioned! You have a habit of querying other people's decisions and suggestions when it would save time to curb your curiosity and just get on with it. It may be that you will have to relinquish control of a situation and watch someone else take hold of the reins. This is no bad thing. Occasionally you aren't the best person to take the lead and right now someone else has knowledge, experience or expertise you could learn from.

So - experts! - gimme your advice! have to choose to define boluses specifically and differently defore instructing the machine to deliver it - with the pump - in order for the gizmo to include it in the 'insulin on board' figure as well as any corrections?

Is that the same when you actually have the pump to go with the meter?

Hi! My brain's a bit addled at the mo, but I'm on the combo so if I describe what i do, maybe that will help?! (Not sure I've read the question right lol!).

...basically, there are 2 main ways to bolus without doing the fancypants stuff (square waves etc - I haven't got round to all that yet lol) - via the quick buttons on the pump, in increments of 0.5 u, ie you can bolus without testing say for 2 fingers of kitkat (if you were being so naughty hehe!) by pressing & holding one button til the pump buzzes, then pressing the other 3 times to get 1.5u. The other way is via the pump - you can again bolus without testing, in which case you use the menu buttons to do a 'standard bolus' and in this case you can spec a bolus of increments of 0.1 (I think you can change these increments in the pump set up though).

Normally I would test my BG on the meter, you get a screen come up on which you can input the carbs you're eating & then ask for a bolus suggestion - this screen does display the bolus on board, & will account for it in the bolus suggestion...I'm not sure if there's a way of doing this without the handset/remote though... does that answer the question? Sorry if I'm a bit off the point there!

Good luck with the pump start - I love my combo & although I suspect I don't use half the clever features at some point (probably when the kids start school at this rate lol) I'll enjoy playing with them! :D

All the best,

Twitchy xx
Thanks Twitchy - however, no not really LOL

Here is what Mike said

'Active insulin' is another anomaly... the handbook suggests this shows 'bolus insulin that has been given to lower your blood glucose, but has not yet been fully used'. You might expect this to be tracking your whole meal bolus, plus any additional correction factor, but in fact it ignores any part of your dose which is supposed to be dealing with carbs and only reports on correction doses. If you want the Expert to keep tabs on your total insulin-on-board you need to back out of the bolus advice screen and then add the bolus in manually. A simple 'include meal bolus in Active Insulin figure' checkbox would have helped.

Mike does not have the Combo pump & remote/meter, but instead uses the Aviva 'Expert' smart meter which incorporates the Bolus Wiz. By the looks of it, the Combo kit looks exactly the same except it also has the Bluetooth remote built in.

My query is, does it still do what Mike said, when it is the all singing all dancing Combo version?
Thanks Twitchy - however, no not really LOL

Here is what Mike said

Mike does not have the Combo pump & remote/meter, but instead uses the Aviva 'Expert' smart meter which incorporates the Bolus Wiz. By the looks of it, the Combo kit looks exactly the same except it also has the Bluetooth remote built in.

My query is, does it still do what Mike said, when it is the all singing all dancing Combo version?

The expert and combo meter are exactly the same, apart from the blue tooth facility that you get with the combo.....I've had both of these meters.
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