Combo Food

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Friends hope your all well after a thread I did other day I wonderd if you guy could help me a little bit of what food you would use combo bolus , I know Fatty, , high carbs but more of a detailed foods and what would you do split 50/50 30/70 I know diffarant splits work for diffrant diabetics like homeade breaded fish and chips , mushy peas mayb 80 carbs total just rough guide because I class this as a high carb meal would you use combo tool
thanks again
I think it depends on the individual (you *knew* we'd say that!). It's for anything that is slow to digest, e.g. Pasta, brown rice, meals high in fat. My son would usually bolus 60:40 for pasta. For fish and chips, he boluses for all the carbs 100% up front, and in addition sets an increased basal rate for the next five hours to counter a rise in BG from the fat metabolising.
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