Combining Adult Stem Cells with New Drug Restores Insulin Production

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Millions of people with type 1 diabetes depend on daily insulin injections to survive. They would die without the shots because their immune system attacks the very insulin-producing cells it was designed to protect.

Now, a University of Missouri scientist has discovered that this attack causes more damage than scientists realized. The revelation is leading to a potential cure that combines adult stem cells with a promising new drug.

The discovery is reported in the current online issue of Diabetes. Dr. Habib Zaghouani, J. Lavenia Edwards Chair in Pediatrics, leads the research with his team at the MU School of Medicine.
Wouldn't your immune system continue to malfunction and kill the new ones as well as the ones you already have?

Or am I missing summat? Like you have to keep on with the treatment? In which case, is it any better than insulin jabs?

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