Colonoscopy…insulin advice please.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I have an appointment on Wednesday morning for a colonoscopy. According to Dr Google, by rights I should have started a low residue diet yesterday and reduced my insulin dose by half! I mostly follow a low residue diet anyways, because of my gastric problems, I had two sprouts yesterday, a small amount of carrot and turnip, mashed, and two small broccoli florets. It’s only today I have found out about reducing my insulin, I’m assuming they want to keep me a bit on the high side. I’ll start that today. It just said those on 2,3, 4 or more injections but didn’t specify whether this is just bolus or basal as well. I’ve taken full dose of basal and bolus already today. Any one here on basal/ bolus regime with experience of this procedure help me out please? Maybe @mikeyB? Of course it’s a bank holiday today and tomorrow so no one at GPs to ask. No wonder I got such a quick appointment, no one else wanted it! Thanks folks. I’m away to purée yesterday’s leftovers! :rofl:
The last instructions I had were to reduce 'daily' insulin by half the night before which I took to mean basal.

As you are on Levemir I don't see much point in reducing before then. TBH when I last had one as I split my levemir I just took a unit less the evening before
Do you have to take the Moviprep and Picolax over the previous days as well as that may affect what you need to do with your insulin.
When my OH had a colonoscopy there were some very specific instructions for what he needed to do during the previous 2 days which were sent with the appointment and the prescription for those 2 meds.
I’ve to have a light breakfast at 9am tomorrow, then start the prep at 1pm. My appointment is 8.45am Wednesday. I knew I had to go low residue for a couple of days previous to procedure but this NHS leaflet says two days previous to stating prep to reduce insulin! Hmmm….I’ll think I’ll just eat small meals today, I don’t eat a lot TBF, and see how numbers go, will reduce Levemir as suggested by @khskel tonight and in the morning. I’ve to drink sugary drinks like Lucozade, not a chance I hate it, will get some squash, do they do it in full sugar version? Or lemonade maybe, I may be able to tolerate that I think. What a carry on!
I have an appointment on Wednesday morning for a colonoscopy. According to Dr Google, by rights I should have started a low residue diet yesterday and reduced my insulin dose by half! I mostly follow a low residue diet anyways, because of my gastric problems, I had two sprouts yesterday, a small amount of carrot and turnip, mashed, and two small broccoli florets. It’s only today I have found out about reducing my insulin, I’m assuming they want to keep me a bit on the high side. I’ll start that today. It just said those on 2,3, 4 or more injections but didn’t specify whether this is just bolus or basal as well. I’ve taken full dose of basal and bolus already today. Any one here on basal/ bolus regime with experience of this procedure help me out please? Maybe @mikeyB? Of course it’s a bank holiday today and tomorrow so no one at GPs to ask. No wonder I got such a quick appointment, no one else wanted it! Thanks folks. I’m away to purée yesterday’s leftovers! :rofl:
I took my basal and bolused for carbs as normal just I didn’t have many of them, could have lemonade through the day for fluid/carbs so I had that. Was hypo right before I went through so had some glucose tablets then.
I didn't pay attention to what they said about insulin as it didn't seem right. Epsaiily what they said about delaying Livermir unti after the producers I'm glad I fellowed my gut and did just before as I wasn't out until almost midday. I think If I was have again I would bolus for se liqaud carbs in the time I wasn't allowed to eat.
I’ve to have a light breakfast at 9am tomorrow, then start the prep at 1pm. My appointment is 8.45am Wednesday. I knew I had to go low residue for a couple of days previous to procedure but this NHS leaflet says two days previous to stating prep to reduce insulin! Hmmm….I’ll think I’ll just eat small meals today, I don’t eat a lot TBF, and see how numbers go, will reduce Levemir as suggested by @khskel tonight and in the morning. I’ve to drink sugary drinks like Lucozade, not a chance I hate it, will get some squash, do they do it in full sugar version? Or lemonade maybe, I may be able to tolerate that I think. What a carry on!
Often the "sugar" versions have reduced sugar and some sweeteners now, in my experience the best places to look for full sugar squashes are Sainsbury's or Waitrose, or if neither of those available then look for an organic brand or "nothing artificial" brand. I currently have Rocks blackkcurrant squash unopened (obviously neither kid has fancied it yet) which is 4.4g sugar per 100ml if diluted 1 part to 8 parts water. Oh, actually and a Lidl own "Deluxe" brand elderflower cordial which says 4.8g sugar diluted 1 part to 4 parts water.
Lemonade very rarely has much sugar now, all the mainstream brands have some swapped for sweeteners.
I’ve to have a light breakfast at 9am tomorrow, then start the prep at 1pm. My appointment is 8.45am Wednesday. I knew I had to go low residue for a couple of days previous to procedure but this NHS leaflet says two days previous to stating prep to reduce insulin! Hmmm….I’ll think I’ll just eat small meals today, I don’t eat a lot TBF, and see how numbers go, will reduce Levemir as suggested by @khskel tonight and in the morning. I’ve to drink sugary drinks like Lucozade, not a chance I hate it, will get some squash, do they do it in full sugar version? Or lemonade maybe, I may be able to tolerate that I think. What a carry on!
My only advice is to keep a watch on levels and go with what you know @eggyg , and not too far away
The prep tastes okay for the first glass and then …. I hope all goes well tomorrow.
Had it done twice, first time on MDI other time using pump.

Really don't recall what procedure was on MDI & pump info would be no good to you eggyg, just thought I'd post to wish you good luck for tomorrow.
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