colds and diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes

Just looking for some quick advice.

My son has just done his first week on a teaching placement and has just mentioned he has a sore throat:( He is prone to colds and I suspect one is on the way with all the little kids coughing all over him.

He has only been diagnosed a month ago (type 1) and is managing brilliantly. He only injects twice a day at the moment. He does test but only twice or 3 times a day. He is still eating well and I am encouraging him to drink a lot.

He does get quite a few colds so he will have to learn to manage them. I am worried (as usual!) so would be grateful for any general advice about managing colds

Thank you again x
Hi Sue,

The main thing is that colds can increase you BG levels, so he may need to increase his insulin for a few days. Drink lots of fluids, and check for ketones (he should have some urine test sticks for this). You can take all the usual remedies - lemsips only have about 5g sugar, so no need to worry about that, although I don't add honey to them like I used to before I got diabetes!

If his sugar levels remain high (>14) and he has ketones then drink lots of water - and if it doesn't come down then go to A+E. His clinic should have given him sick day rules to refer to. On 2 injections a day it's hard to do a correction injection to bring BG down - sometimes people get given some quick acting insulin sich as Novorapid to take if they get ill - maybe he could ask his DSN about this.

If it goes the other way and he doesn't want to eat, then don't stop the insulin, but have something sugary instead of food - eg lucozade or ice cream to keep BG up.

Hope that helps - if it's any reassurance I always get lots of colds too, but I've never had any problems I couldn't handle myself since I got diabetes.
Don't know whether there are any rules on advertising but I find First Defence brilliant. I use it if I've been near anyone with a cold. Have to use it before the symptoms get a hold. Works for me!
Joan & Jay (my dog)
Hi Sue, can't add to advice already given, but if your son doesn't feel like eating much, maybe he'd like a little soup? It is a light meal and not too hard to swallow with a sore throat. I hope he is better soon.
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Unfortunatley colds are an occupational hazard of teaching - you get a lovely new one in September when all the kids are back in, and then you seem to be alright through the term, and they catch up with you just in time for the start of the holidays...!

Hi Richard

Know the feeling...I am a teacher too and got some colds in my first year and lost my voice......always in time for the hols! I am trying to put my son off teaching! x
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