

Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have a cold on the way will it effect my BS much ?

I got this awful taste in my mouth as well .
Sorry to hear it Steff. Colds and infections can affect levels. I think generally they rise, although with some people they fall - just to make things awkward! Drink lots of water and try and eat as healthily as you can.

Hope it goes away quickly!
ty northerner im currently giong thtru something i cant control im slurring speech and i just ate a stir fry i hope it all goes away soon im having these all to frequenst at the moment

excuse my speliing i am away t my bed
Steff is there anyway you can go to A&E. I am getting more and more worried about your symptoms.
Have you been checked for ketones?
I like many others think you are type 1 and need to get this sorted ASP
my sugars tend to rise when i have the cold.

u need to make sure u check for ketones, every so often and yes drink plenty of fluids.
yes ty i am back to land of living now 3 hours of absolute ****.

Sue i will take your adive but i will make appt with doc So far when i been having these episodes i have not been alone but sooner or later i could be and thats when i will worry
Hi Steff
Hope you feel better this morning.
I would follow the advice and see your GP. The sad thing is often the medics see diabetic or depressive on your journal and tend not to look for other probs with similar symptoms.

Keep some sort of diary; food eaten and when, medication and reaction/bs, exercise or activity, see if there is a pattern. You then have something to show your GP.
Steff - sorry to hear of your experiences last night and hope you feel better this morning. Do get to your doctors and, as Kojak advises, keep a diary. I would also note down what is concerning you too - if you are anything like me, then sitting in front of the doctor I tend to forget something that might help him/her treat me more appropriately

thanks you guys i am waiting for surgery to open then im going to ring up, I have kept a diary since day 1 of foods i eat , blood sugars and bad experiences
Hi steff, hope you get an appointment ok, don't take no for an answer!

Have you been prescribed ketone testing strips so you can test for them at home, if not make sure you ask for them and maybe take a urine sample along to the docs with you so they can test there and then. As some have suggested it's possible you may be type1. I was initially diagnosed as type 2, was told not to worry too much and not told anything about blood or ketone testing, that went on until I went back to uni and my files got tranferred there that I was suddenly called in to the hospital and put on insulin by which time I was far more ill that I needed to be.
Let us know how you get on.
hope that you have been able to get into your GP surgery. Do the episodes happen at the same time as your blood sugar is high?

yes they do tend to happen when im high , i managed to get in she said im sorry nothing avialable till the 30th march I said i need something quicker then that so im in on monday next week in meantime i got nhs directs on stand by if i need to ring

p.s no aymes i aint been prescribed ketone strips.
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Steff - you can buy Ketone strips over the counter in boots, probably any pharmacy, in Boots (My Bro works there) they're called Keto-Stix and apparantly cost around a fiver. So if you can't wait you could get them yourself.
Your Gp should see you the same day if it's an emergency and you should see one within 48 hours at the longest. Receptionists will often put you off if they can. Does your surgery have a triage system? mine has one where a Dr will phone you and then make an appointment if they think you need to be seen in person.
cheers for that ross

No they aint sofar this surgery still runs like its the 70.s if you aint on the doorstep banging at the door on your last legs they aint to bothered
Sounds like you should be banging on the door Steph. Def get some ketostix too - mine cost less than a fiver in Boots as Aymes says. I think you should tell them its an emergency and you need to be seen asap.
Wow that is terrible! last time I went to the doctors i had to wait about 1.5 weeks but that was because I wanted a specific doctor and he had a few days off booked. You should definately only have to wait overnight for an emergency appointmeny. You should complain.
im so not like that tho im a mouse , but im getting told this is my health at stake so reckon if i went with a m8 i could stand up for myself , i am going to town to get them ketones strips 2moro thats for sure
im so not like that tho im a mouse , but im getting told this is my health at stake so reckon if i went with a m8 i could stand up for myself , i am going to town to get them ketones strips 2moro thats for sure

hehe im really not like that either :D to be honest I meant if they have a comment box, put a note in it :D