Cold weather effect.

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi all does the cold weather effect your blood glucose. I've been told it can, as mine has been low more often lately and takes alot to raise it.
Yes. weather and temperature can affect our blood sugars.
I think a big part of it is how your body tolerates hots and colds.
Generally, I need more insulin in the winter but I think this is as much to do with hunkering down more when it's cold outside so I may do less exercise.
Others find they struggle with the heat of summer and the "stress" means they need more insulin in summer.
@Moi - funny you should ask this question, i’ve just had an appointment with my DSN this morning and she said that in colder months insulin is utilised slower compared with warmer months when it is utilised quicker. Of course we are all different and it sounds like you are getting lower BG in the colder weather, but could this be other changes?

As with @helli I too find that I need more insulin in the colder months and this may be slower absorption as well as eating more comfort foods and doing less exercise! In the warmer months I find that insulin reduces my BG faster and I seem more responsive to it.
Sorry to hear you’ve been having more lows recently @Moi :(

Which meds are you taking for glucose management? Hopefully your doses can be tweaked a little to reduce the risk of further low BGs.
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