cold feet?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've seen that we should all look after our feet and keep a check on our eyes.

I was well enough to get around over the weekend since diagnosis. I was initially worried about going woozy and falling over. However, I soon overcame that apart from a couple of head rushes.

I walked around Ludlow castle. It felt positively Siberian, even in the sun. I've generally never really felt the cold, but today my hands and feet were absolutely icy. My feet were exceptionally cold. It's an odd sensation, but I felt as those my very bones were like ice. I was just desperate to get in the warm and warm up. It's taken hours for my feet to get warm. No one else seemed too bothered about the cold, though I felt like I'd been packed in ice. I'm 6'2" and play second row in rugby, so I'm not waif thin! I used to feel too warm, not too cold.

Another thing: my eyes feel quite stinging - a little bit like they're tired and I've got shampoo in them (!?) My eyesight is fine.

I've got a hot water bottle on my feet now to get them warm. Anyone else have the same probs?
I really feel the cold, and struggle to come up to a decent temperature for ages after. Always assumed it was me not a diabetes thing though, but I may be wrong.
i alwways have cold feet even with about 10 pairs of socks on! i always just thought it was me though!
It is quite common...

..people with diabetes tend to not have as good circulation - I am sure there are exceptions to the rule - but that is also why if we we scratch ourselves it takes longer to heal. The best prevention is staying active - which as a rugby player I am sure you do! I am sure once you have settled down on your meds and keep up with regular exercise then you won't be quite so chilly!
I also have cold feet, hands and cold nose all the time

I saw a podiatrist a month ago who checked out my little tuttsies - they advise not to use hot water bottles on feet as if you have got any circulation/nerve damage you may not beable to tell how hot it really is.

I also have what feels like a numb foot and ankle - like when you have had pins and needle and the sensation feel funny - anyone else experienced this ?

PS Paul I used to play rugby in my late teens and early twenties - 2nd row
I've seen that we should all look after our feet and keep a check on our eyes.

I was well enough to get around over the weekend since diagnosis. I was initially worried about going woozy and falling over. However, I soon overcame that apart from a couple of head rushes.

I walked around Ludlow castle. It felt positively Siberian, even in the sun. I've generally never really felt the cold, but today my hands and feet were absolutely icy. My feet were exceptionally cold. It's an odd sensation, but I felt as those my very bones were like ice. I was just desperate to get in the warm and warm up. It's taken hours for my feet to get warm. No one else seemed too bothered about the cold, though I felt like I'd been packed in ice. I'm 6'2" and play second row in rugby, so I'm not waif thin! I used to feel too warm, not too cold.

Another thing: my eyes feel quite stinging - a little bit like they're tired and I've got shampoo in them (!?) My eyesight is fine.

I've got a hot water bottle on my feet now to get them warm. Anyone else have the same probs?
It sounds like the blood flow through your extremities is not what it should be. Usually, this happens after a number of years of being diabetic. Could it be that you have in fact had diabetes for some time before being diagnosed? It's not easy to determine this unless you remember symptoms that you now know are due to diabetes! Try always to keep warm, some people find that a vasodilator such as ramipril helps and a blood thinner like aspirin can also help. BUT please please see your doctor
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I have been feeling the cold more recently since being on "diet"! Before I used to eat loads, and always got really warm after eating. Perhaps I am overdoing the diet?

talking of being cold, iv just been outside (ok i was sliding on the puddles with the kids :)..... but iv noticed that over the last week and just now (which reminded me) iv had really cold hands all the time, worst when in situations like just now obviously, but they are really really really itchy! i noticed it yesterday too cos i itched them till they were red. never had this before>?
the cold doesnt really get to me,Its the heat. If its a little bit warm i get boiling hot feet. Whcih makes me really ratty. I dont like hot weather that much now because of this.
I cant even where sandles in summer if my feet get to hot its unbearable.
Hi All,

I do find that my feet are often cold but I just tend to forget about this. I think that it is something to do with the circulation to the extremities of the body.
Keeping active definitely helps, I play rugby at school and when I'm on holiday I try to get out running at least three times a week for a good hour each time.
Though when I was playing inter house rugby tens at school yesterday all that I noticed was that my fingers were actually colder than me feet were. Probably due to the lack of movement seeing as I was bench warming most of the afternoon.

Tom H
Rather than using hot waterbottles etc - I tend to find putting my feet up and circling them - moving them about is the best remedy. I do get cold extremities from inactivity - in particular sitting at a desk all day!
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HI I'm new to these message boards.
But I have problems with cold feet, but this could be down to Raynauds and nothing to do the diabetes.
i always feel cold and am never without nice wooly bed socks as ive always suffered with cold feet even before for the eyesight paul i used to wear glasses just for reading but in the weeks leading up to diagnosis i like u suffered with the stinging eyes..used to feel like id just come out of the swimming pool and i found that i was wearing my glasses all the time but after diagnosis and a few weeks into treatment things settled down and now as before i only need them for reading.:)
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