Cold and cough

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Happy New Year to all.
Unfortunately I'm unable to return to work today, could have beaten the snow, but this s**dding cold, cough, sore throat etc.
Strange thing is I also woke up today very shakey, and it's not gone away. It's mainly noticeable in my hands but I'm also a bit unsteady on the stairs.
Anybody else had this side effect??
hi there ron sorry to hear you are not on best form , I also have a cough i have had since the 15th dec it is not buggering off very quick and every morning i wake with a sore throat, i dont get the shaking hands but i did do a little while ago and i posted up about it , i had the swine flu jab in the monday morning and by the monday night i wad in the back of an ambulance, they said panic attack do you have any history of attacks?

Hi, thanks for the thought.

No history of any attacks.
Never even got the shakes years ago when I was drinkig far more than I do
Hi, thanks for the thought.

No history of any attacks.
Never even got the shakes years ago when I was drinkig far more than I do

lol.. maybe while your off work get an appointment at docs
Do get an appointment with the docs. In the meantime drink plenty of unsweetend fluids, warm ones will help sore throat and cough and help keep you warm too. My personal favourites are hot sugar free orange squash and hot sugar free blackcurrant.

If you can't get a quick appointment with the doctor, NHS Direct or local pharmacist will be able to help and suggest something for you.

I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks to both of you.
Don't wanna venture out in this weather, so will take your advice re hot fluids.
At least my sugar levels are keeping to single figures, with a lot of effort!
Thanks to both of you.
Don't wanna venture out in this weather, so will take your advice re hot fluids.
At least my sugar levels are keeping to single figures, with a lot of effort!

I took Carolines advice last week r.e hot fluids and i love the hot orange now.
Happy New Year to all.
Unfortunately I'm unable to return to work today, could have beaten the snow, but this s**dding cold, cough, sore throat etc.
Strange thing is I also woke up today very shakey, and it's not gone away. It's mainly noticeable in my hands but I'm also a bit unsteady on the stairs.
Anybody else had this side effect??

Sorry you're so poorly. I've been a bit unsteady for a while now but I'm not sure it has anything to do with the diabetes, my doc is investigating the causes and if she comes up with something I'll let you know. If you're all stuffed up, the unsteadiness could be down to choked sinuses. How's your BGs could that be causing the shakes? I hope you're tucked up nice and warm under the duvet and feel better soon.
Thanks Alison
I think with the weather I've got more chance of keeping warm than you!!
Just for interest my wife was born in Inverness and her bro and family still live there
Thanks Alison
I think with the weather I've got more chance of keeping warm than you!!
Just for interest my wife was born in Inverness and her bro and family still live there

We've had even more snow today and with the wind, it's flipping freezing! None of the side roads or pavements have been salted so you can imagine how much fun I had getting to my doctor's appointment this morning.

If your missus was a MacLean, a Chisholm, a Comyn or a Fraser, the chances are we're related! 😱 :D
Nope she's a MacBain, family originally from Ardgay, village near Bonar Bridge
My neighbour here is originally from Inverness - he's called Duncan Chisholm
Nope she's a MacBain, family originally from Ardgay, village near Bonar Bridge
My neighbour here is originally from Inverness - he's called Duncan Chisholm

:D I know four Duncan Chisholms, though I haven't seen any of them in year's.
He'll have been in Fife about 30 years I think, although he still visits family. Excuse to play different golf courses I think!!
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