Coincidence or a possible norm???

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2 to it all, T2D, I posted the other week and got a lovely welcome for which I remain thankful to all you luvvverlies...

Anyway, started METFORMIN, all good...been self-testing my bloods and I'm learning through doing so, despite the lack of support from my surgery/GP (expensive innit, buyin your own shiz)

Thing is, I've recently developed these...well, 'sores' on my arms...about 8 in all on both arms, also two on my chest. Really itchy and, stupidly, must have scratched them a couple of times overnight...they get bloody, crust over etc. Sure I need not go into detail. o_O They're not massive (less than a 5p piece size) but they're devilishly annoying. They're NOT bites, I'm sure of that. And they deffo started just after I began taking the MET. I've googled them but we know where that leads...

Also, top of right thigh, outer...sheeesh, the pain sometimes is INCREDIBLE...searing, almost like it's being opened...really hard to explain, it's burny/pins an' needly/numb yet agonising... sciatica kinda feel to it I suppose. Like I said, weird. And only on moving a certain way too.

Does that sound neuropathic? :confused:

Anyone with similar...or am I just an oddbod?

Be well people,


A. x 🙂
It doesn’t sound neuropathic, for sure, so don’t worry about that. It’s not common, but that sounds like it may be an urticarial rash, likely due to the Metformin. I think it’s best to go back to the doc - if you are just on a starter dose, you will come to no great harm if you stop it and see.

Don’t worry about being an oddbod, nobody will notice on here🙂
I agree with Mike - the whole point about why we need to help each other so much is mainly because we ARE all different!

I can't stand itches myself so if it doesn't improve after a few days I'd definitely get it checked out. And that pain sounds to ne like you've pulled something. Diabetic neuropathy is usually 'bilateral' ie affects both sides of the body at the same time. This seems to be 'one-off' so it isn't that - but you might have damaged nerves (like sciatica) and general damage to nerves is called neuropathy anyway!
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