Cognitive behavioural therapy 'can reduce depression'

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Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can reduce symptoms of depression in people who fail to respond to drug treatment, says a study in the Lancet.

CBT, a type of psychotherapy, was found to benefit nearly half of the 234 patients who received it combined with normal care from their GP.

Up to two-thirds of people with depression do not respond to anti-depressants.

Patients should have access to a range of treatments, the charity Mind said.

CBT is a form of talking psychotherapy to help people with depression change the way they think to improve how they feel and alter their behaviour.

The study followed 469 patients with treatment-resistant depression picked from GP practices in Bristol, Exeter and Glasgow over 12 months. is this news? :confused:
Well it isn't per se, we knew that didn't we? Yet counselling is still very very hard to get hold of and it's a lot easier to say there there and write out another scrip for Sertraline, innit?

So perhaps it's intended more as a dig in the ribs to HCPs than news for the depressed?
I totally agree! 12 weeks took me to get CBT this was after 20 years of anti depressants. They only sent me because had a violent reaction to coming off seroxat! (pure evil) x
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