Coeliac and type 1

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all

My 3yo soon has type 1. Diagnosed nearly a year ago now. We are having some very random levels. Lows that won't come up despite food/lift and then much later (maybe 5 hours or so) the food seems to kick in and he has high spikes.
As I'm coeliac and there's also a connection with type 1, I'm wondering if this could be how coeliac impacts blood sugar.
Any coeliacs out there who could advise how uncontrolled coeliac affects blood sugar levels please?
Thank you!
Welcome @egro 🙂 They often screen for coeliac at or shortly after diagnosis in children now. Do you know if/when he was screened? Yes, coeliac disease can cause unexplained hypos but that’s not the only cause. As you have CD yourself, I’d speak to your GP and get him screened.
Thanks so much for getting back to me Inka. He was screened at the time and came back negative but he has a largely gluten free diet when he's at home because of me. I'm keeping a diary of symptoms to discuss with the paediatrician. I'll up the gluten for him in the mean time. Hopefully his levels will settle eventually!
It could just be the sputtering of his own pancreas @egro That can make erratic amounts of insulin at strange times. Also, it could be something normal like him growing. Growth hormones can have a big effect.

I’d also make notes of the lows - when they happen, how long before he he’d had a bolus, what he’d eaten at that meal, etc. Sometimes it’s just that the basal or bolus ratios need tweaking.
I hope everything is ok and the problem is "just" a spluttering pancreas during the honeymoon phase.
Regarding coeliac, I recently had a test for it and was advised not to eat a gluten free diet beforehand as the test is effectively testing how our body copes with gluten.
Thankfully, my results were negative because it felt counter intuitive to deliberately eat something which could cause issues.
Yes, you have to eat gluten for a period of time beforehand but I think that’s what @egro meant when they talked about upping the gluten.
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