Cocoa 'might prevent memory decline'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Drinking cocoa every day may help older people keep their brains healthy, research suggests.

A study of 60 elderly people with no dementia found two cups of cocoa a day improved blood flow to the brain in those who had problems to start with.

Those participants whose blood flow improved also did better on memory tests at the end of the study, the journal Neurology reported.

Experts said more research was needed before conclusions could be drawn.
Cocoa is high in saturated fat and not so good on carbs either, so why is it good for you? Healthy brain, clogged up arteries, weight gain, high bg body, great.
Cocoa is high in saturated fat and not so good on carbs either, so why is it good for you? Healthy brain, clogged up arteries, weight gain, high bg body, great.

At least you'll know it's happening when that heart attack comes! 😱 😉
At least you'll know it's happening when that heart attack comes! 😱 😉

I was told that being diabetic means the heart attack isn't a severe as if you were 'normal' (so to speak). Not sure of the truth of that, but the other guys in my ward didn't escape quite as easily as me.
So if I keep using the Cocoa butter lotion my memory will improve?
I was told that being diabetic means the heart attack isn't a severe as if you were 'normal' (so to speak). Not sure of the truth of that, but the other guys in my ward didn't escape quite as easily as me.

That's probably based on the notion that you will suffer nerve damage and therefore feel it less. They thought I'd had a heart attack on my second day after diagnosis and when I insisted I hadn't felt anything they nodded sagely and said it was because I had diabetes 🙄
If you have memory problems in the first place, how do you remember to drink the cocoa?
I'll just carry on EATING the cocoa !

(Squished together and formed into a handy block, I find them in the fridge. Nobody knows how they get there ....)
If you have memory problems in the first place, how do you remember to drink the cocoa?

Does anyone drink cocoa these days, it's all drinking chocolate isn't it. cocoa is for making chocolate cake - yum yum.
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