Coca-cola recommended as 'medical cure' for stomach blockages

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The bubbles and chemical make-up of coca-cola makes the beverage an effective cure for getting rid of stomach blockages, a medical study has revealed, with doctors recommending the drink as an alternative to surgery.

Doctors now commonly use the soft drink to treat patients with a nasty condition called gastric phytobezoar with a success rate of more than 90 per cent, the study said.

This is because the fizzy favourite has chemical ingredients that do a similar job to gastric acid while the bubbles help speed up the process, said researchers.

Even the Diet and Coke Zero options work, because they have the same basic ingredients as the full fat version, said the report.
I've found that Coca Cola brings my stainless steel sink up a treat - all bright and shiny!
Some great comments on that article. BTW does Gin & tonic not work?:D
LOL Annimay, it's really good for cleaning out water tanks on motorhomes and in caravans too, especially the 'grey' tank, gets rid of all the crud that went down the plughole with the washing up water and the soap build up from that and the bathroom!

Not tried it in the black tank, I wonder if it would? cos the chemical you can buy to do that is quite expensive.

ISTR the tale that originally it was made as a stomach medicine? The fizz and the sweetness both came later.

And flat coke actually is quite good for upset tums.
I thought it was Pepsi that was the indigestion remedy (name derived from peptic something).
flat coke or pepsl is great for cleaning the toilet
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