Coca-Cola drinking 'linked to New Zealander's death'

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Drinking large quantities of Coca-Cola was a "substantial factor" in the death of a 30-year-old woman in New Zealand, a coroner has said.

Natasha Harris, who died three years ago after a cardiac arrest, drank up to 10 litres of the fizzy drink each day.

This is twice the recommended safe limit of caffeine and more than 11 times the recommended sugar intake.

Coca-Cola had argued that it could not be proved its product had contributed to Ms Harris' death.

The coroner's verdict came on the day Coca-Cola Sales said sales in Europe and China fell in the last quarter of 2012, and warned of a "volatile" year to come.
10 litres a day! "Some of her children born without enamel on their teeth." Her own teeth in a terrible state and no-one realised there might be a problem? Coca-cola aren't to blame for this one, her family and medical team should have some questions to answer though.
Wow 10 litres a day that stuff aint come near me in nearly 4 years......
How awful but do know how that stuff can be addictive. I used to drink between 2 - 3 litres a day back some 20 yrs ago and when I stopped I had no end of side effects which I didn't understand until I ended up in crippling pain at the GP's and he went through a list of what it could be then I explained and he said that was the come down from all the caffeine and sugar.

Now I may have the occasional coke zero but could not even if I wanted to drink the full fat one
Wow 10 litres a day that stuff aint come near me in nearly 4 years......

Thats so sad, but shocking too. I have never been keen on fizzy drinks, not to my linmg at all. I only get a bottle as a treat for my D, maybe at christmas??? something like that, I'm glad to say you wont find ANY fizzy drinks in my fridge or cupboards:D Sheena
OMG! :D You've done so well Steff - come such a long way and helped so many others along the way, for which I thank you 🙂

Yayy thanks Alan huni, no mention of it cause I had gen forgotten even when i wrote my OP this morning.
Its been a love/hate relationship with D but in the end its woken me up and made me eat better
Ffs Coca Cola had nothing to do with it. The major contibuting factor was the woman herself, and her family, friends and the medical profession. I only drink Coke when I want a non-alcoholic drink that is not water. It's not that good but better than many other diet drinks! Next Cadbury's will be blamed for fat people!
Ffs Coca Cola had nothing to do with it. The major contibuting factor was the woman herself, and her family, friends and the medical profession. I only drink Coke when I want a non-alcoholic drink that is not water. It's not that good but better than many other diet drinks! Next Cadbury's will be blamed for fat people!

To be fair, the coroner didn't blame the Coke or Coca-Cola, but the woman's addiction to it. Even plain water will kill you if you drink to much of it! 😱
Ffs Coca Cola had nothing to do with it. The major contibuting factor was the woman herself, and her family, friends and the medical profession. I only drink Coke when I want a non-alcoholic drink that is not water. It's not that good but better than many other diet drinks! Next Cadbury's will be blamed for fat people!

Blimey calm down
Ffs Coca Cola had nothing to do with it. The major contibuting factor was the woman herself, and her family, friends and the medical profession. I only drink Coke when I want a non-alcoholic drink that is not water. It's not that good but better than many other diet drinks! Next Cadbury's will be blamed for fat people!

Didn't think anyone said it was Diet coke!
Addiction is addiction and she was obviously addicted. I thought most food manufacturers were being blamed for adding sugar to their products and making people fat. Cadburys produces chocolate with a high sugar content but most people wouldn't buy and eat high cocoa content chocolate (personally I now eat Moser Roth 85% content when I eat chocolate). Give me Cadburys whole nut and I'll scoff the whole bar.
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