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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The pump provides you with your continous basal insulin and also your meal time bolus insulin........

Is there not only one insulin within the pump? If so what type?
that's right. And it's all a qyuick acting insulin - like I use novorapid. The basal is like a "drip feed" done as a set amount each hour but which gives teeny amounts every few minutes or so. Right now my hourly rate is 0.65
Interesting, so its all quick acting, just delivered over a 24 hour period really slowly.........

So over how long a period is the bolus dose delivered and can it be adjusted..?
Interesting, so its all quick acting, just delivered over a 24 hour period really slowly.........

So over how long a period is the bolus dose delivered and can it be adjusted..?

you can do it all in one go like doing it with a pen, or split it over a period of hours. The highest i've done so far is both a multiwave (bit up front then extend the rest) or extended (done veeery slowly) is 3 hours but it can be more or less
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You learn a new thing everyday!!!!!

I use humalog with my pump.

Sam has already explained how it works. It is the nearest thing possible to having a working pancreas (at the moment). I couldnt believe how much better i felt within 24 hours of pumping. :D
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