Closed loop

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi lovely people. My 2 year old was diagnosed in September, he’s currently on an Ypsomed pump and Dexcom g6 sensor and is doing well but I’d love to tighten control more. We’ve been offered the CAMaps closed loop system and I was wondering if anyone has had any experiences with toddlers/young kids on them. The g6 works well apart from the very seldom compression low, also the 2 hour warm up and slightly off readings for the first few hours (maybe 1-2 mmol off but generally calibrates itself). Any experience would be lovely to hear x
Hi - I don't have experience with young kids, but I have been on dexcom/dana and camaps loop for 6 months. It's my first pump/loop so I don't have anything to compare it with, but I adore it. It has massively improved my quality of life and brought my hba1c to 'pre-diabetic' levels. I was skeptical about trusting the loop to do its job, but very quickly found that i was happy to. Of course it is different with a little one, but if you have any questions I can help with, please let me know.
Hi from another looper. I use the Medtronic system, and have experience with youngsters but lopping has made a massive difference for me giving me times when I can ignore my diabetes. Mealtimes still need input and the loop doesn’t always cope with extremes such as prolonged exercise and severe illness but generally good and I learnt to trust it but that took a little time.
We use dexcom and tslim with my 12 year old. It’s meant a great HBA1C but doesn’t solve every issue. When it’s working well I don’t have to think about anything other than carbs at meals. The problems we’ve had have been dealing with the pump adding insulin to deal with predicted highs and then us not compensating for that when doing carbs and still adding the suggested correction (at least I think that’s what’s happened) leading to a few stubborn lows but then we got stubborn lows sometimes with injections.
We use dexcom and tslim with my 12 year old. It’s meant a great HBA1C but doesn’t solve every issue. When it’s working well I don’t have to think about anything other than carbs at meals. The problems we’ve had have been dealing with the pump adding insulin to deal with predicted highs and then us not compensating for that when doing carbs and still adding the suggested correction (at least I think that’s what’s happened) leading to a few stubborn lows but then we got stubborn lows sometimes with injections.
Yes I did wonder about that! My boy eats so sporadically and so we can’t really pre dose him for meals (we usually give half up front initially), so he peaks a good bit after eating.

I’m hoping it helps at night, we are up almost every night treating hypos, correcting, treating the hypo after correction…
Hi from another looper. I use the Medtronic system, and have experience with youngsters but lopping has made a massive difference for me giving me times when I can ignore my diabetes. Mealtimes still need input and the loop doesn’t always cope with extremes such as prolonged exercise and severe illness but generally good and I learnt to trust it but that took a little time.
Thanks so much for your reply, that makes a lot of sense. Just easing the constant hard work at times is such a good thing x
Hi - I don't have experience with young kids, but I have been on dexcom/dana and camaps loop for 6 months. It's my first pump/loop so I don't have anything to compare it with, but I adore it. It has massively improved my quality of life and brought my hba1c to 'pre-diabetic' levels. I was skeptical about trusting the loop to do its job, but very quickly found that i was happy to. Of course it is different with a little one, but if you have any questions I can help with, please let me know.
Thank you, that’s so encouraging. It definitely feels like a leap of faith but very thankful to have the opportunity and it’s great to hear it’s working so well for you x
Yes I did wonder about that! My boy eats so sporadically and so we can’t really pre dose him for meals (we usually give half up front initially), so he peaks a good bit after eating.

I’m hoping it helps at night, we are up almost every night treating hypos, correcting, treating the hypo after correction…
We use dexcom and tslim with my 12 year old. It’s meant a great HBA1C but doesn’t solve every issue. When it’s working well I don’t have to think about anything other than carbs at meals. The problems we’ve had have been dealing with the pump adding insulin to deal with predicted highs and then us not compensating for that when doing carbs and still adding the suggested correction (at least I think that’s what’s happened) leading to a few stubborn lows but then we got stubborn lows sometimes with injections.
I forgot to say thank you!! Thank you for your reply xx
Yes I did wonder about that! My boy eats so sporadically and so we can’t really pre dose him for meals (we usually give half up front initially), so he peaks a good bit after eating.

I’m hoping it helps at night, we are up almost every night treating hypos, correcting, treating the hypo after correction…
Ah that’s no fun. FWIW we find the basal cut out helps a lot on the dexcom/tslim so we have far fewer hypos. I tend not to treat highs until the next meal unless the pump has obviously failed - if I can see it’s because of overcorrecting a hypo I know why it’s happened and it will even itself out eventually.

It can be tempting with all the tech to get really right control but that caused us so much stress we’re a little more hands off now. Finding the balance can be hard.
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